Parenthood/First responders

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I'm combining two episodes into one chapter because I'm not really sure that Millie and Eva will be in these two episodes/ Chapter.
When the 118 are talking about Albert Eva is there, Millie is at the bakery and the twins are with Kim. Eva comes back from the bathroom.
H: Omg she's so big already.
C: Yeah they grow up fast.
E: Oh I hear you, I was looking online and the twins could be crawling in the next 6 months.
Evan: Isn't their birthday coming up?
E: Yeah we're not really doing anything though with the pandemic and everything. We will be posting their 1 year photos though and we're gonna have our own small party. Eddie: Well I'm still getting them a card and present, Chris keeps badgering both of us about it. Honestly I don't know how he forgot the date.
C: We can probably sort out a video call with their cousin, I'll run it past Maddie.
Eddie: How's Maddie doing, first solo shift with the baby?
C: Baby's plural, she's pulling double duty Albert and Jeeyun.
Evan: Offer still stands you know, he can come back to my place.
C: He needs around the clock care he can't be on his own for a full 24hr shift. With the new schedule one of us is always home.
E: He can come to ours, if its too hard for you and Maddie. There's always someone at our place and if not we can take him to the bakery with us.
C: I can't put that on you guys.
Eddie: If you and Maddie are working opposite shifts when do you see each other.
C: Still figuring that out.
E: Ughh I'm gonna Uber home Buck i forgot my meds.
Evan: Okay be safe I'll see you later.
Evan: Oh uh uh s-shes coming.
E: Hi Hen, Bye Hen.
At the end of the episode.
M: Hi, Hey come in all of you.
E: Hey sis whats up? You called us.
M: We got help for Albert, now we need help on parenting. How did you two do it?
Millie: It wasn't easy for the first 6 months, but we had all you guys.
E: Yeah I guess its harder for you because of the pandemic, but we had double everything.
Millie: Your jobs dont help, I mean you're both great but they're very demanding jobs.
E: All you can do is take one day at a time, try not to loose your minds in the process.
Millie: It will be easier when you can count on us and we can freely move about again.
E: But in the meantime you know you can leave Jee with us because we test like every day.
Millie: Yeah anytime you need, we're here for you like you guys were there for us.
C: Thank you both of you and Miss Lee said she can baby sit too.
M: We have so many people around us.
Millie: We need to get going its nearly bedtime for these two.
M: Yeah sorry ofcourse, see you guys soon.
Millie&E: Bye!!
C&M: Bye!!
The scene with Chris Eddie and Ana is obviously Chris, Eddie and Buck. A couple of weeks later. Hey sister do you still believe in love I wonder
E: Buck, whats up??
Evan: I've got to go and deliver some bad news to Maddie and Josh, can I swing by your place I dont wanna do it on my own.
E: Yeah come by Kim can have the twins I was just gonna do some paper work.
Evan: Weren't you cleared to go back to work?
E: Tell that to my Fiancé, she won't listen to me when I tell her I'm fine.
Evan: Okay right I'm outside.
E: On my way out.
In the jeep.
E: So what bad news are we delivering?
Evan: We got called to a hit and run last night, it was Sue Blevins.
E: What??? Who would want to hurt Sue?
Evan: I dont know but the security guard says it was no accident the guy never took his foot off the gas apparently.
At the dispatch centre.
M: It doesn't make any sense, who would wanna hurt Sue.
Evan: Security guard only saw the accident, doesn't know what happened before, maybe some kind of  parking lot rage thing.
Josh: I was talking with her. Last night we were on the phone she was in the car waiting for Don, she just hung up. Oh god I've got to call Don he must be beside himself.
M: Well do you want to go to the hospital im sure she's out of surgery.
Josh: No. She'd want me here the calls dont stop so we don't either.
M: Did she say anything to you when you were there.
Evan: No uh she just kept on saying uh 911.
Josh: I dont know how this place runs without her.
M: Its got you. And its got all of us and we're not gonna let her down because we all owe Sue alot.
Josh: I owe her my life.
M: Why are you even here?
E: Because this one was too chicken to come and do this with out me.
M: All right get out of here.
Buck still gets Taylors help with the hit and run case. A couple of hours later Conan Grey Family line plays.
E: Maddie you okay?
M: I just thought I would let you know Sue was rushed back into surgery.
E: Oh no, are you okay?
M: I will be, just thought you should know.
E: Thank you keep me updated.
M: Yeah you know it.
A couple of days later Eva gets a call from Athena.
E: Hey whats up?
A: I've just had to take Buck into custody, his Jeep is at               you might wanna go and collect that then come down to the station. I'm not charging him, its just to stop him getting himself on trouble.
E: I'll be there as soon as I can.
40 minutes later.
E: You are an idiot you know that.
Evan: I know I've been told.
A couple of days later. Conan gray Family line plays.
E: Hey Maddie what's up?
M: I've cleared with Bobby for you to go to the station for Sue's first day back tomorrow. We're doing this radionuclide thing.
E: Me, Millie and the twins will be there.
The next day over radio.
M: All units standyby dispatcher with ID number 17 advice your status.
Sue: Dispatcher Blevins back in service.
B: Dispatcher Blevins...
a few other people say welcome back and how glad they all are to have her back.
Sue: Thank you everyone... you can't get rid of me that easily.
Millie: We gotta get to the bakery so we will see you guys soon.

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