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It's been a few weeks since you decided to let go of your feelings for Sanemi and let love blossom between Giyu and yourself. Giyu was nothing but attentive and always putting you first before himself. 

At first, you felt a bit hesitant about starting this relationship with him, but you wanted to see where it would lead too. Of course, you had to tell Shinobu as soon as it happened, and being the way she was would tease you to no end about it.

"Oh my! Look at the cute couple!" Shinobu snickered while looking between Giyu and you.

You facepalmed your forehead trying to hide your face from Shinobu while Giyu looked away to the side trying to hide his faint blush. Shinobu smiled brightly at the two of your reactions and couldn't get enough of it.

You shook your head and flicked Shinobu's forehead, "Quite embarrassing us."

Shinobu put her hands to her forehead and pouted, "Oh come on! Let me tease you a bit longer!"

You smiled evilly towards her, "Keep it up, and let's see how I will embarrass you once you find someone."

Shinobu's expression paled knowing you would get back at her twice as bad, "Ahahaha yes yes you said you were here for medicine for your mission. Let me go get that for you!" she said as she ran off to fetch the medicine.

You laughed at her retreating figure and nudged Giyu on his side, "Thanks for the help."

Giyu smiled at you, "I didn't want to make it worse."

You thought for a second, "Yeah you probably would have."

You both laughed thinking about it. As you two were waiting for Shinobu you motioned to Giyu to a bench under the wisteria tree. 

"Let's sit there while we wait," you said.

Giyu nodded and followed right after you to the bench. You two started discussing the upcoming mission the two of you had coming up together when a petal from the wisteria tree landed on your cheek.

Giyu saw this and put his hand on the side of your cheek, "Hold still."

You felt a blush start to form on your face as Giyu's concentrated face was staring right at you. Giyu's hand moved gently across your cheek and grabbed the small wisteria petal. 

"There", he gently whispered.

You were starting to get nervous, your body gave you a bit of a tingly feeling when Giyu touched your cheek. Your blush deepened and your eyes traveled to Giyu's lips hoping that he would close the gap between the two of you.

Giyu taking notice of your facial expression felt his heart beat faster. The way you were looking and your lips slightly parted was like you were asking him to do something. He took the hint and started to lean in towards you. When your two lips were a centimeter away, an angry voice stopped you two.

"Take your fucking romance somewhere else", said the angry voice.

You were beyond pissed, whoever it was was about to be given hell for interrupting you two, you spun your head to give them a piece of your mind and your eyes widened and mouth shut immediately. 

It was none other than Sanemi standing in front of you two with a pissed-off look on his face. Giyu got up and stood in front of you blocking your view of Sanemi.

Giyu gave Sanemi a pissed-off look, "If it pisses you off so much, why don't you piss off."

Sanemi smirked at Giyu's reaction, " I would, but you two are fucking blocking the way to the entrance."

Sanemi's remark infuriated Giyu, which you quickly took notice of. You quickly got up and got in between Giyu and looked at him, "Giyu it's ok, let's just go wait for Shinobu somewhere else."

Giyu looked down and you and took a deep breath, trying his best to calm down, "Ok....let's go."

As you two were about to walk away from Sanemi, Sanemi muttered something under his breathe to which you caught right away causing you to turn around quickly and get right underneath his nose.

"Do you want to repeat that again Shinazugawa-san", you said with anger in your tone.

Sanemi's smirked even bigger at your reaction, "You have shitty taste in men (Y/N)-san."

Before Sanemi could get out another word, you punched him with all your might causing him to fall to the floor from the sheer force of your punch. 

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO ME! WHAT I DO WITH MY LOVE LIFE IS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR STUPID FACE AGAIN!" You screamed towards Sanemi with tears forming on the corner of your eyes, just as you were about to go for another punch Giyu and Shinobu grabbed each side of you and pulled you away from Sanemi.


Giyu held your arm tightly against him, "As much as I would love to see you punch his face again. I think we should just leave." 

Shinobu nodded and agreed with Giyu, "Come on (Y/N) let's go so you can calm down."

You looked down with the anger subsiding and being replaced with the tears falling to your cheeks, "Ok....let's go." You felt their hold on your arms loosen and you turned away from Sanemi walking in the opposite direction from him with Giyu and Shinobu right behind you.

Sanemi watched your figure disappear from his view and he spat out the blood that was forming in his mouth from the punch. He moved his hand to where you had punched him and he winced, it really hurt.

Sanemi couldn't explain the feeling when he saw the tears coming from your face. Was he upset that he caused that? Sanemi shook his head, why would he even care about you and your feelings? That punch must have messed up his head a bit.

 Sanemi got up and walked the opposite way from you, he must be crazy to even consider going after you especially after you punched him, but yet having your attention towards him instead of Giyu made him excited. 





Shinobu had walked Giyu and you towards the front entrance of the Butterfly mansion and handed over the medicine that the two of you would need for the mission.

"I'm sorry about that, I should have warned you two that Shinzugawa-san was around", Shinobu said.

You shook your head and hugged Shinobu, "It's ok, thank you again for the medicine we should get going.

Shinobu gave you two a sad smile and waved to you two goodbye. You and Giyu waved goodbye to Shinobu and started walking over to the village where the mission would be at.

Giyu would sneak glances at you with worry sketched over his face. You would try to ignore it, but it came to a point it would get annoying.

You stopped mid-walk and looked at Giyu, "Could you please stop, I'm not in the mood."

Giyu sighed and stood in front of you and grabbed your hand where he gently rubbed the top of your hand with his thumb, "I'm just worried about you, I know that today was a lot."

You looked at your hand and sighed, "I'm sorry...I know you're worried....I promise I'm ok now."

Giyu smiled and leaned down where his lips made contact with your cheek. He leant back to study your reaction which caused you to blush heavily not expecting that.

Giyu smiled, "That's my girl."

You couldn't help but smile, Giyu always knew how to make you smile again. You quickly grabbed his hand and started to lead the two of you to the village.

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