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Giyu's first impression of you was "she's an idiot." 

Now that wasn't exactly the greatest first impression to have of you. He wondered how you could ever become a demon slayer, when you just looked like a weak little girl. Yet over the course of training together he started to see you in a new light. The way he saw you evolve from a crybaby to a full fledged demon slayer astounded him. The way you help your blade so fluidly, yet hit with strong swings, you truly were amazing.

He wouldn't admit it ever to you, when you would call refer to him as your brother each time you said it it would burn in his chest. It really bothered him that you couldn't see how he felt about you. On the other hand Sabito took notice of the way Giyu would act around you and finally went to confront Giyu about it while the three of you were training one day.

"Unrequited love huh?", Sabito said while sitting next to Giyu who was watching you practicing your sword swings.

"Don't even start, i'm not in the mood to hear your smart remarks", Giyu replied back.

Sabito held up his hands in a defensive manner, "Whoa! I would never I was just wondering when were you planning on telling her about your feelings?"

Giyu sighed, "Right now is not the time.....maybe after we pass the Final selection exam I'll tell her."

Sabito grinned, "Can't wait to see her reaction, i'm sure she happily accept your feelings."

Giyu leaned his body back and leaned his head backward, "I hope so....but I know I'll have competition for it."

Sabito tilted his head in confusion at Giyu's comment.

Giyu laughed, " Do you ever see that hairpin that (Y/N) hides in the drawers?"

Sabito shook his head, "I haven't seen it."

Giyu leaned forward, "I guess I can understand, the only way I knew about it was when she was in the bedroom alone, I walked in and saw it in her hand. I asked her about it and she said a boy from the past gave it to her and it was a special possession of hers."

Sabito patted Giyu on the back, "Well unlike you, he isn't here and you are. I say you have a high chance of getting her."

Giyu nodded "I hope so."

You looked over to the two boys and smiled, "Giyu! Come spar with me!"

Giyu smiled and stood up walking to you with his sword in hand, "Let's go!"

You smiled holding up your sword at Giyu, "Ok!"




Present Time

Giyu sighed thinking about that flashback, things had definitely not played the way he has wanted. You both lost Sabito suddenly after the final selection, you had your missions and he had his. There was never time in between to tell you about his feelings. What was even worse if the person who held your feelings has come back into your life. 

Giyu was stuck on what to do next. It wasn't until Shinobu had offered to help Giyu with a plan to try to win your affections back in their shared hotel room.

"Why are you offering to help?", Giyu asked.

Shinobu smiled, "Because (Y/N) deserves something good in her life and I have a feeling you can help with that. So i'll try my best to get you two together."

Giyu nodded in agreement, but still wasn't sure how well this will work out. 

Giyu yawned, "Anyway i'm going to bed on the floor it's been a long day."

Shinobu nodded, "Me too, have a good night."

Meanwhile in yours and Sanemi room

You growled at Sanemi, he had the absolute nerve to drag you by the arm all the way into the hotel room.

You rubbed your arm, "You know you could have been more gentle."

Sanemi glared at you, "Well you weren't moving fast enough and I'm exhausted from the traveling so had to make you move quicker."

You frowned at his comment, "Well excuse me, but I wasn't even trying to be in the same room at you."

Sanemi growled and went up to your face only leaving a few millimeters between both of your lips. You felt his breathe on your face, causing your cheeks to blush across your face. If you were to even move your lips would fall on his.

"So you have been avoiding me!" Sanemi yelled.

Your eyes grew from being caught. He knew. 

You averted eye contact with Sanemi, "I wasn't avoiding you.....I was just trying to give you some space."

Sanemi scoffed and backed up from your face much to your relief, "Why would you even need to give me space huh? Scared of me of something?"

You shook your head, "No....it's just...", you couldn't finish your sentence.

Sanemi got tired of waiting for your response and brushed it off, "Whatever keep it to yourself, I'm going to bed."

Sanemi went over to the bed and went to unbutton his shirt. You blushed madly at what Sanemi was doing.

"W-W-WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!", you screamed.

Sanemi turned around finally removing the shirt off completely leaving his chest revealed, "What does it look like Hara-san, i'm getting ready for bed as should you. Come to bed already."

This was not happening! This was definitely not happening you screamed in your mind. 

"I can't share a bed with you!", you yelled at Sanemi.

Sanemi shrugged and laid down on the bed, "Sleep on the floor then, cause I'm not moving."

You couldn't believe the attitude of his, you screamed in frustration and grabbed the handle of the door and shut the hotel door harshly. The freaking nerve of that man! How dare he think that you would share a bed with him. He has Kanae! Does he have no shame.

You stopped mid pace and had decided to just go to the rooftop of the hotel and get some peace and quiet. You made your way up to the roof and laid down looking at the stars. Watching the stars in the night sky reminded you of watching the stars back with your brother Jun and gave you a sense of calmness that you needed right now. 

You took a deep breathe and closed your eyes, after a few minutes you let the exhaustion take over and drifted off to sleep. What you didn't notice was the footsteps slowly approaching you while you were asleep. 

The figure covered you in a a blanket and sat down next to you, "Idiot....you forgot a blanket up here."

You grumbled and opened your eyes slightly, "Giyu....what are you doing out here?"

Giyu smiled and moved his hand to your cheeks to brush the hair that was covering your eyes, "I should be asking you that."

You yawned and sat up slowly, "Shinazugawa-san was being a pain in my butt."

Giyu went closer to you pulling your head to your shoulder, "Well seeing as were both here, let's enjoy the stars tonight."

You yawned and nodded adjusting your head on his should more comfortably.

Giyu rested his head right on top of yours and relaxed, "Good night (Y/N)..."

You closed your eyes and drifted back to sleep, "Good night Giyu."

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