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After waiting for Sanemi to say good bye to Kanae, you couldn't help but feel anxious around Sanemi. Now that you witnessed Sanemi and Kanae together you wanted to stay as far from them two as possible, but that wasn't possible to avoid one of them now seeing as you are on a mission together. You sighed as you trudged behind Sanemi, Giyu, and Shinobu walking at a slower pace from the rest of the group. 

Giyu immediately noticed this and looked at Shinobu to give her a signal to continue walking without him. Giyu slowed his pace to match his pace with yours and gave your shoulder a quick nudge. You looked up to Giyu and smiled half heartedly trying your best to keep up the normal facade. 

Giyu frowned at your reaction and looked to Sanemi and Shinobu, "We'll catch up to you in a bit, keep going with out us."

Shinobu nodded and kept walking forward, but Sanemi stopped mid pace to looke over to you two. His eyes moved over to your eyes for a split second which caused you to flinch. Sanemi was quick to notice this and snarled at your reaction, he turned around quickly to catch up with Shinobu.

"(Y/N)....I know you just want to be anywhere but here right now, but we are on a mission and that should be your #1 priority right now", Giyu said.

Your head looked down to look at your feet, "I know....I'm trying...."

Giyu picked up his hand and placed it on your shoulder, "Don't worry we'll be right here with you."

You looked up and smiled softly, "Thank you..."

Giyu blushed lightly at your smile and turned the other way so you wouldn't see it, "Anytime."

You tilted your head at the sudden reaction of Giyu, but decided to not push it any further. You motioned for Giyu to follow so you two could catch up to the rest of the group. As you two finally saw Shinobu in view, you ran quickly to catch up to her. 

Giyu walked forward trying to catch, he was stopped by a hand blocking his path. His eyes travelled to see the owner of the hand to see that it was Sanemi. 

Giyu glared, "Can you move your arm?"

Sanemi glared back and harshly said, "What were you two talking about huh?"

Giyu furrowed his brows at Sanemi's harsh tone, knowing that it was none of Sanemi's business he replied "That's between me and (Y/N). Now please get out of my way". Giyu shoved Sanemi's out of the way to catch up to you and Shinobu.

Sanemi looked at Giyu retreating figure and growled. Sanemi didn't know why, but seeing you alone with Giyu made him have a burning sensation in the pit of his stomach. Seeing you smile for someone else didn't sit right with him. He stopped mid thought and shook his head, he had Kanae as a partner he shouldn't be thinking about anyone else. Yet...at times he couldn't get you out of his head. Sanemi sighed trying to get the annoying thoughts out of his head as he followed the rest of the group to the village before night fall. 

Finally evening fell as the four of you reached the village, Shinobu offered to get the rooms situated at the nearest Ryokan while the three of you decided to wait outside.  As the three of you waitin it was starting to get a bit chilly and the slight breeze didn't make it any better. You hugged yourself to keep warm, but the breeze managed get your hair in the corner of your mouth. 

Giyu noticed this and reached out his hand to your cheek to wipe the hair from your mouth, "There you go."

You looked over to Giyu and blushed slightly, "Ah...thank you Giyu."

Giyu smiled at you and motioned for you to sit closer to you to keep warm. Just as you were about to take his offer Sanemi abruptly stood off and walked away. You looked over at Sanemi's retreating figure and wondered what was his deal.

Giyu scowled at Sanemi, for a person who has a partner they shouldn't be acting like a jealous boyfriend. Giyu took this opportunity of you two being alone to wrap his arm around your shoulder to keep you warm. 

The sudden action of Giyu took you by surprise, you looked up to see a faint line of pink spreading across his face. 

You looked down and blushed There's no way that he's blushing , must be my imagination and he's just trying to keep me warm, you thought to yourself.

As you two were preoccupied in your mind, Shinobu came back to the sight of you two "Cuddling". 

"Ara ara seems like somebody moves on fast," Shinobu laughed.

You shot up quickly from Shinobu's comment, "N-n-no! He was just being nice and keeping me warm, i-isn't that right Giyu?!!" you said panicked.

Giyu looked from you to Shinobu and sighed, "Yes I was just trying to help out."

Shinobu quickly took notice of Giyu's reaction and told herself to remind him about it later. 

Shinobu looked around noticing that Sanemi was gone, "Where did Shinazugawa-san go?"

As soon as Shinobu said his name Sanemi reappeared from around the corner of the building. Sanemi went up to the group and looked at Shinobu, "Are the rooms ready yet?"

Shinobu laughed nervously, "Yes about that....there was only one ryokan left with any rooms..."

"That's great! When can we go in?", you asked.

"Ah...well you see....the ryokan is for couple only.... so we would need to get into pairs of one boy and one girl and share a room," Shinobu said nervously.

You gasped, well this day couldn't get any worse. You knew you only had one option and that was Giyu since you wanted to stay as far from Sanemi. 

You turned towards Giyu, "Hey Giyu, do you want to- H-Hey! Let go!"

You couldn't finish your sentence as Sanemi was dragging you by the arm. 

"Hey! Shinazugawa-san! Let me go! I was going to ask Giyu to room with me," you yelled. Sanemi ignored you and kept dragging you with him towards the ryokan.

Giyu watched as Sanemi dragged you by the arm and was about to go help you, but Shinobu stopped him. 

"I know you want to stop him, but I think we should talk about your feelings for (Y/N)," Shinobu stated.

Giyu frowned at Shinobu, "How could you tell."

Shinobu turned towards him, "Call it women's intuition. So for how long has it you been feeling that way for her?"

"Since I meet her," Giyu stated.

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