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"(Y/N)! Take this!", Jun yelled as he threw multiple snowballs at you. You yelped and hide behind the snow fort you built to protect yourself from your brother endless attacks. You looked up to see your brother standing below a tree branch full of snow and knew this was a perfect opportunity. You quickly made a snowball and aimed for the branch, with all your strength you threw your snowball. As soon as it made contact with the branch, your poor brother who was standing beneath it was covered in snow. 

You giggled out loud at your brother who was currently pouting at what just happened. Your brother pointed at you accusingly.

"How did you even manage to do that!", he screamed.

You shrugged ," I just saw the opportunity and took it, not my fault you weren't paying attention to your surroundings". 

Your brother pushed off the snow from his body and ran towards you, "I'm going to get you back for that!" 

You laughed and mad a run for it, after minutes of running from him you both ended up up the snow covered ground just taking in deep breathes for air. You brother turned his heads towards you and all you could see was his lips moving, but no sound coming out.

You tilted your head towards him, "What did you say?"

"Wake up (Y/N)."



You sprung up from the ground with tears falling from your eyes. Was that a dream? Where in the world are you right now? You looked in front you and saw you were currently laying on a very expensive futon, the room was fairly large room compared to your home, there was tatami flooring, a fire place in the corner. Where in the world were you right now and where is your family. As you were getting up the sudden rush of memories flooded your head.

The memories of your family being attacked by a demon, a mysterious white haired man saving you, and you fainting. You held on to your head tightly and couldn't stop the additional tears falling from your eyes. That's right...your family was killed at the hands on a demon and there wasn't anything you could have done. As you were trying to get a hold of yourself you heard someone quietly slide the screen door open.

"Ah, you are finally awake. How are you feeling?"

You looked up at a man who was at least a few years older than you, with raven short hair, but the most interesting about him was the scar his had above on his left eye. 

You looked him with so many questions spiraling around your head. You couldn't get the words out of your mouth as quickly as you wanted and only manage to ask, "Who are you?"

"How rude of me to not introduce myself first, my name is Ubuyashiki Kagaya, may I ask what your name is?", he questioned.

"(Y/N)....(Y/N) Hara", you answered, still not trusting this complete stranger.

He smiled at you, "What a beautiful name, now you must be wondering what are you are doing here? Well this is my estate and one of my Hashira had saved you from a demon, he had said you fainted shortly after he disposed of the demon."

You looked towards Ubuyashiki with you lips quivering violently. You look down and held yourself by your shoulders "So it's true....my family is gone..." You couldn't help but feel so helpless, had you come earlier back to your home maybe you could have done something to prevent your family from dying, Maybe if you just...

Ubuyashiki put his hand on your shoulder, "Do not take any blame, you are strong and will prevail from this, take as long as you need to recover, we will bring you meals to this room and you are free to explore the garden in this estate for a change of scenery. "

You nooded and watched as Ubuyashiki left the room, you held yourself tighter and quitely cried yourself back to sleep. A couple of weeks had passed by before you realized it, but slowly you started to explore the estate. It had a beautiful pond full of koi fish and a beautiful garden full of wisteria trees. The passing of your family took a toll on your heart, but you needed to be strong for them, for they wouldn't have wanted you to see you struggle over their deaths.

You were walking the highway when you see a familiar figure at the end of the hallway. You noticed the white hair with a gleaming head piece. It was the man who had saved you, you quickly ran over to him and bowed to him.

"Thank you so much for saving me not too long ago, I don't know how I would have survived if you had not been there." you said.

He looked and at and grinned, "Why isn't it the flashy maiden! I'm glad to see you're finally awake and doing well. It's nice to finally meet you!" 

You were taken back a bit by his comment Flashy? You were anything but that.

You smiled softly at him "My name is (Y/N) Hara. What is your name if you don't mind me asking?"

"Uzui Tengen! Nice to officially meet you! Would you like to be my 4th wife?", he laughed out loudly as he asked.

You stood there dumfounded, was he being serious? Or making a joke about this. You were way too young to be asked for your hand in marriage! 

"No thank you, i'm far too young", you answered back.

He laughed at your response "Maybe once you become a fine lady you'll reconsider."

You laughed, he had such a high energy personality, that you couldn't help feel his happiness be contagious. As you two were talking you noticed Ubuyashiki come up from behind. 

"Ubuyashiki-san, it's nice to see you again", you waved at him.

"Miss Hara-san, I see you have meet up with Uzui-san again, I hope that it is going well and Uzui is not asking for your hand in marriage anytime soon." Ubuyashiki said as he looked at Uzui.

You smiled, "Too late for that".

Uzui crossed his arms "I am just just getting ahead of the game, I know she will be a bloom into a beautiful flower as she gets older."

You all laughed together and you couldn't help that after losing your parents and home that you could still manage to smile. 

"Miss Hara-san, I do have a question for you if you have time at the moment?", Ubuyashiki asked.

You nodded and waved goodbye to Uzui. You followed Ubuyashiki to the open area of his patio and sit down on the cushion next to him.

"How would you like to become a Demon Slayer like Uzui-san", Ubuyashiki asked flat out.

You looked at him. A demon slayer? What in the world was a demon slayer?

"I'm sorry Ubuyashiki-san, but what is a Demon slayer? Like I have to go out a slay demons?", you asked question after question.

Ubuyashiki nodded, "Precisely Miss Hara-san, you will protect the public from demon attacks with using our specialized demon slaying sword. It is not an easy job and we have lost many demon slayers to demons, but I feel something special about you and have the feeling that you can do it."

You didn't know what he meant by that, you were the girl who couldn't even save her own family from one demon, what makes him think that you could save others from the same fate. Yet inside your heart you did not want others to suffer the same fate as you've had. Flashes of your parents and brother came to your mind. You smiled to yourself and looked up to Ubuyashiki.

"I'll do it, i'll become a demon slayer", you said confidently.

Ubuyashiki smiled, "Perfect, I have the perfect mentor for you to study under. His name is Urokodaki Sakonji."

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