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Giyu couldn't sleep not when he had you sleeping so soundly with him. His hands traced over yours and slowly moved his hands to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear. 

Giyu breathed out slowly, he knew that some day the guy you have been waiting for would show up eventually but didn't think it would be so soon, but luck was on his side since Sanemi was in a relationship was someone else. Giyu knew this was bad of him to even be grateful for this, but his feeling that he has been harboring for you couldn't be held in anymore. He needed to show you and hoped you would reciprocate back. 

Sabito....Onee-san....please help me with (Y/N) Giyu thought.

You started to grumble and open your eyes slowly while Giyu was in his thoughts. You picked up your head confused that Giyu was right next to you until your memories from last night came back.

Giyu noticing you wake up gently smiled at you, "Good morning to you too."

You muttered while rubbing your eyes, "Morning....Hey..sorry I made you stay out here all night, did you get any sleep?"

Giyu nodded, "I did, but did you?"

"Best sleep i've had in a while", you responded smiling.

A faint pink blush covered Giyu's face at your response. Giyu looked away quickly and got up which made you tilt your head at his sudden movement.

Giyu couldn't hide it anymore, he knew that Shinobu had come up with elaborate plan for him to confess his feelings to you, but it was just you and him alone right now. Now would be the perfect time, so with his mind made up he turned to you.

"(Y/N) what I'm about to tell you may seem out of the blue, but i've been meaning to tell you this since the end of our final selection."

Your eyes narrowed, noticing how serious Giyu was acting. A million thoughts were racing through your head, but none of them made any sense. 

"Giyu...what is it?", you got up and grabbed his hands in yours worried about what he was about to say.

Giyu smiled at you and moved one of his hands to the side of your cheek gently, which it caught you by surprise.

"(Y/N)....I have feelings....for you.."

Your eyes widened in shock, this wasn't happening right now. First Sanemi the boy you've been waiting for was in a relationship with someone else and now Giyu who you considered as a brother was confessing his feelings for you. This was too much for you to even process right now.

You removed your hands from Giyu and shook your head so that Giyu's hand will fall off your cheek. You took looked down and took a step back.

Giyu looked at you worried and took a step forward, "Hey I know this is a shock...I didn't mean to scare you....(Y/N) please look at me...."

You took another step back and turned your body away from Giyu, "Giyu....I need to go....I'm...sorry." You walked away from Giyu and started making your way back to your room.

 Giyu just stood there, he had a feeling you wouldn't react well to his confession, but that didn't make it sting any less. He felt tears started to form on the corner of his eyes and decided to stay on the roof to give you some space.

You couldn't get to the room fast enough, Giyu's confession had left you feeling confused. You didn't know how to respond and just left him there. Your heart twisted knowing that Giyu was probably feeling hurt by your sudden departure, but you couldn't give him an answer. When the door to the room was in view of course the other person plaguing your mind was by the front door with his arms crossed looking at you.

"Where have you been all night huh? Trying to avoid me again", Sanemi said tauntingly. 

You couldn't help it, but the anger and all the emotions were boiling inside you that you let Sanemi have it.

"Sanemi, just.....SHUT UP! I'M DONE WITH YOUR ATTITUDE!", you yelled at Sanemi and walked past him to start packing your things.

Sanemi taken back by your sudden rage cause him to get angry as well.


The angry tears started to form in your eyes as Sanemi yelled at you. You shut your bag forcefully with all your belongs walking past Sanemi with out a word.

Sanemi angered by your silent treatment grabbed you by the shoulders and yelled, "GET OVER YOUR DUMB ATTITUDE, WE GOT A MISSION TO COMPLETE AND YOUR STUPID MOOD SWINGS WON'T HELP ANY OF US!"

You scowled with your tears finally falling down your face, "THAT'S WHY I'M LEAVING NOW LET ME GO." You shoved his hands off you and made your way out the door.

Sanemi watched your retreating figure go, he took it too far when he yelled at you and didn't realize it until he saw the tears from your eyes. His covered his face with his hand and growled in frustration.

Once you were out of the Ryokan, you had written a letter to Shinobu apologizing for your sudden departure. You just needed to get away from the two boys and being there wasn't going to help. You needed time to think about everything.

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