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While Sabito and Giyu were still training, you took this time to have solo training with Urokodaki. For the last three years that you've been living under his roof, you have grown a close relationship with him. You've come to think of him as a second father figure and he thought of you as his daughter. You had told them what had happened with your family and that you were saved by the current sound Hashira, also the fact that you were away from your closest friend whom you missed terribly. You have tried to send her letters about yourself and what had happened to your family over the years, but you have never gotten a response and worried what had happened.

Urokodaki would console you and tell you that in no time you'll be able to see her again to which you would nod and would hope so too. Meanwhile you were waiting on the two boys, Urokodaki had decided to teach you about Total Concentration breathing constant by having you breathe into a gourd in order to break it. 

After a few attempts your fell on your back while gasping for air. It felt like your lungs were on fire. You took a deep breathe and looked over at Urokodaki," Urokodaki- otosan, are you telling I have to keep total breathing even when I am sleeping? This seems impossible!", you muttered.

"It's only difficult because you are making it hard for yourself", he came over and sat in front of you. "Remember you need to increase your lung capacity and increase your blood flow in order keep it constant, when you can finally do that you can even be able to heal your own wounds with your breathing. Now come on and take a break and help me prepare dinner, I have a feeling the boys will be down soon".

"Yes yes, i'll be right there", you said as you put the gourd away and got up to help prepare dinner. You got the miso soup and side dishes ready as Urokodaki was stirring the hot pot in the middle of the room. You came over as soon as the dishes were ready and set out all the side dishes on everyones designated spot. 

"Were back!"

You looked over to see Sabito and Giyu both with smug looking faces coming into the house. You smiled, "Looks like you two managed to cut the boulder?"

Sabito rose his arm to show off his muscles, "Of course we did we are both men!" Giyu shook his head while you laughed at Sabito's comment.

 "Congratulations my boys, this is cause for a celebratory meal. At the end of this week all three of you will be participating in the final selection." Urokodaki said.

All three of you looked at each other and smiled proudly and couldn't be more ready for the Final Selection to come faster. You all celebrated while eating dinner, Sabito jabbing you with jokes, you frowning at this jokes and asking for Giyu's help to get Sabito alone, and Urokodaki smiling behind his mask. It was the happiest you've been in a long time and you wish times like these would never end.

After dinner Sabito, Giyu, and went to prepare your futons to get ready to sleep. As a nightly routine, you would would take turns with the boys for bath time and after everyone was done you would take turns brushing Giyu's and Sabito's hair. As you were brushing Giyu's hair your thoughts started to wander about the Final Selection. What if the demons one of you during the selection, you couldn't bear the thought of loosing one someone else. You stopped mid brushing and Giyu noticed from scrunched up face that something was wrong. 

"(Y/N)? What wrong? Something on your mind?", Giyu asked.

You took your hands off Giyu's hair and started to feel tears forming on the corner of your eyes and covered your face with your hands. Sabito saw this and instantly were on his feet and at your side brining your closer to his body.

"(Y/N), tell us what's wrong", Sabito said.

You took a long dragged out breathe, "I don't want to loose any of you, I already lost my family and I don't know what will happen to me if you two were gone too", you started crying into your hands harder.

Sabito brought you into a tighter hug and put his hand on your head," Don't even think those thoughts, we will protect you and you will never lose us. If anything you are stuck with us for the rest of your life".

Giyu nodded, "That's right, I already lost my oldest sister once, I am never letting one of you two idiots get hurt".

You sniffled into Sabito's embrace and nodded in agreement with them. You all care for each other too much to let something bad happen to each other. You lifted your head and smiled towards the two boys who smiled back. 

Sabito ruffled your hair, "Now come on let's go to bed, we still have a bit of time to prepare for the Final Selection. So rest is an essential part of training".

"Right!" you and Giyu agreed.

As you all layed down on your futons, Giyu and Sabito were out immediately, but you stayed away a bit longer. 

You turned to your side and started at the two boys. You knew all three of your were strong and together you'll get through the selection without any problems. You turned back on your back and closed your eyes for tomorrow you felt will be a long day.

What wasn't there before |Sanemi Shinazugawa x Reader|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя