Chapter 21

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"This Chief Manshik is an idiot," grumbled one of the servants, his voice laden with exasperation as he cast a weary glance towards the imposing figure approaching them. "He keeps forgetting things, making us redo everything."

A chorus of murmurs of agreement rippled through the group, their collective frustration deep in the air like a heavy fog weighing down their spirits.

"He's more trouble than he's worth," another servant chimed in, his tone weary as he shook his head in resignation. "I don't know how much longer I can put up with his incompetence."

Their conversation was abruptly halted by the sudden appearance of the new chief, Manshik his face twisted into a scowl as he strode towards them with purposeful strides.

"What's all this chatter about?" he barked, his voice sharp with annoyance as he loomed over the group. "Have you nothing better to do than stand around gossiping like old hens?"

The servants shrank back under the force of his glare, their discomfort evident as they exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to respond.

"We've been working tirelessly all day," one of them spoke up tentatively, his voice tinged with apprehension. "And yet you still find fault with everything we do."

The chief's eyes flashed with anger, his patience wearing thin as he lashed out at the servants with a barrage of insults and demands.

"You insolent fools!" he roared, his voice echoing off the stone walls of the courtyard. "If you spent half as much time working as you do complaining, perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess!"

The servants recoiled at his outburst, their resentment simmering beneath the surface as they struggled to maintain their composure in the face of his tirade.

"But chief," one of them ventured timidly, "we've already completed all the tasks you assigned to us. There's nothing left for us to do."

The chief's face darkened further, his temper reaching its boiling point as he spat out his next words with venomous disdain.

"Then find something else to do!" he snapped, his voice dripping with contempt. "Clean the stables, scrub the floors, I don't care! Just stop wasting my time with your petty complaints." “And you Insu, get me some chicken and stew form the kitchen.”

Insu rolled his eyes, murmuring as he looked at he other servants. “I am sure I will add poison in his chicken someday.”

Just then, the guards announced the arrival of Prince Dojin, a flurry of activity erupted in the palace courtyard. Servants scurried to their positions, some bustling with excitement while others appeared bewildered, their faces etched with confusion.

"Prince Dojin?" murmured one of the younger servants, her brow furrowed in puzzlement. "I thought he left the palace ages ago. Why would he be back?"

A few of the older servants exchanged knowing glances, their expressions tinged with nostalgia as they reminisced about the prince's previous departure. "He's always been one for unexpected returns," one of them remarked with a wry smile. "I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised."

As the expectation mounted, the courtyard fell into hushed whispers, the air heavy with anticipation. And then, he appeared.

Dojin strode into the courtyard with all the swagger of a man who knew he owned the place, his eyes alight with trouble as he took in the scene before him. His gaze fell upon the figure of Manshik, who scurried forward to greet him with an obsequious bow.

Manshik, old and rotund, seemed to quake in his boots as he approached, his face flushed with nervous excitement. "Prince Dojin," he stammered, his voice trembling with reverence. "It is an honor to welcome you back to the palace."

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