Chapter 18

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Hyunjin was in a dilemma. He had always been. Back when he was young, his father, the former king, would often bring him to his study room, adorned with towering shelves of ancient tomes and parchment scrolls. With a gentle yet firm hand, he would guide Hyunjin through the labyrinthine corridors of politics and diplomacy, hoping to instill in his son a keen understanding of the complexities of ruling a kingdom.

Seated at his father's imposing mahogany desk, Hyunjin would listen intently as his father explained the details of statecraft, his words of wisdom echoed through the hallowed halls of the palace. With each passing day, Hyunjin's curiosity grew, his young mind eager to absorb the wealth of knowledge conveyed by his father's sage wisdom.

However, it was not merely lectures and theoretical discussions that shaped Hyunjin's understanding of governance. His father, ever the perceptive mentor, would often pose hypothetical scenarios to test Hyunjin's judgment and discernment.

"Imagine, Hyunjin," his father would say, his voice tinged with a note of intrigue, "that a neighboring kingdom has invaded our borders, seeking to annex our lands by force. What would you do in such a situation?"

Hyunjin would furrow his brow in thought, his mind racing to consider all possible angles before offering his response.

He would ponder each scenario meticulously, weighing the pros and cons with a diligence that belied his tender years. But even as he sought to provide the most prudent course of action, a nagging sense of doubt lingered in the recesses of his mind.

What if he made the wrong choice? What if his decisions led to unintended consequences, plunging their kingdom into turmoil and conflict? The thought of failure haunted him, a specter that loomed large in the confines of his father's study.

Yet, despite his misgivings, Hyunjin persisted, drawing upon the wellspring of knowledge and wisdom that his father had imparted to him. "I would first seek to engage in diplomatic negotiations," he would reply, his voice measured yet resolute. "War should always be a last resort, Father. We must exhaust all peaceful avenues before resorting to conflict."

His father would nod in approval, a proud smile gracing his lips as he acknowledged Hyunjin's wisdom. "A wise approach, my son," he would say, his voice filled with paternal pride. "Never forget that true strength lies not in the might of our armies, but in the wisdom of our decisions."

With a heavy heart, Hyunjin contemplated the myriad challenges that lay ahead, each one a test of his resolve and fortitude. But deep within the recesses of his soul, he knew that he carried with him the indelible imprint of his father's wisdom, a legacy that would continue to illuminate his path even in the darkest of times.

Hyunjin's gaze met Jeongin's, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. With a determined nod, Hyunjin stepped out of the room, his mind already racing with plans and precautions. He turned to the guard stationed outside, his voice firm as he issued his instructions.

"Ensure that no one enters this room without my express permission," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument. "And under no circumstances are you to allow Jeongin to leave."

The guard, accustomed to obeying without question, nodded in acknowledgment, his stance firm and unwavering. With a final glance at the closed door behind him, Hyunjin set off down the corridor, his mind consumed with thoughts of safeguarding Jeongin at all costs.


Hyunjin entered his study, the weight of the world seeming to settle upon his shoulders with each step. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the familiar sight of towering bookshelves lined with volumes of history and law. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows upon the walls, lending an air of solemnity to the space.

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