Chapter 12

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The chamber buzzed with frantic activity, In the aftermath of Jeongin's harrowing discovery. The urgency to secure medical assistance for the injured servant took precedence. General Byol swiftly coordinated efforts to transport Jeongin to the infirmary, his guards moving with precision to ensure the king's command was executed without delay.

As Jeongin was carefully carried away, Hyunjin's eyes remained fixed on the unconscious form of his once-sparkling servant. The weight of responsibility and concern etched lines across the his face, revealing the depth of his emotional turmoil

"Ensure he receives the best care available. I want constant updates on his condition," Hyunjin said softly.

General Byol nodded solemnly. "Of course, Your Highness. I'll personally oversee the arrangements."

As the medical team departed, the chamber gradually emptied, leaving only King Hyunjin, General Byol, and Chief Lui within its dimly lit confines. The air was heavy with unspoken tension, the unresolved questions echoing in the space between them.

Hyunjin turned his gaze towards Chief Lui, his eyes narrowing with a mix of suspicion and anger.

"Chief Lui, what is the meaning of all this?" Hyunjin's voice cut through the charged atmosphere. "Why was Jeongin found injured, and why did my trusted servant have to discover him in such a state?"

Chief Lui, now bereft of his usual composure, stammered as he struggled to find an explanation. "Your Highness, I-I didn't harm Jeongin. I admit, I locked him in there, but I didn't lay a hand on him. I beg you to believe me."

Hyunjin's expression remained unyielding, his resolve unwavering in the face of Chief Lui's desperate plea. Fueled with anger and betrayal, Hyunjin's patience wore thin. In a swift and decisive motion, he called upon his guards, commanding them to apprehend Chief Lui and confine him until further orders.

"Guards! Seize Chief Lui and lock him away. I will not tolerate deception and harm within my court," Hyunjin's voice resonated with a stern authority that left no room for dissent.

The guards, well-versed in following the king's commands, moved with practiced efficiency. Chief Lui, now in the grasp of the palace's enforcers, cast a desperate gaze toward Hyunjin, a mixture of fear and defiance in his eyes

"No, Your Highness, please! I beg you to listen," Chief Lui pleaded, attempting to resist the guards' grip. He shoved away with desperation, his voice cracking as he tried to plead his case. "This is a misunderstanding! I didn't harm Jeongin, I swear!"

Hyunjin regarded him with a stern expression, unmoved by Chief Lui's protests. "Chief Lui, the evidence against you is damning. You locked Jeongin away, and now he lies injured. Explain yourself."

Chief Lui, still on his knees, tried to articulate his innocence with a desperate urgency. "Your Highness, I did lock Jeongin away, I admit, but I did not harm him. I beg you to believe me. It was a precautionary measure, a matter of palace security. I had no intention of causing harm to our loyal servant.

Hyunjin's gaze remained unwavering, but Chief Lui pressed on, attempting to justify his actions.

"Jeongin was getting too close to sensitive matters. I thought he might be compromised. I was protecting the kingdom, Your Highness. I would never harm one of our own."

Hyunjin cast a skeptical glance over him , his lips frowning showing obvious displeasure "Protecting the kingdom by locking away a loyal servant? Your actions speak of deception, Chief Lui. What was so sensitive that you resorted to such extreme measures?"

Chief Lui, still on his knees, desperately tried to make the king understand his perspective. "Your Highness, believe me. I am innocent of harming Jeongin. There is more to this situation than meets the eye. I implore you to investigate further. Someone is orchestrating this to tarnish my reputation and sow discord within the palace."

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