Chapter 15

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In the recesses of Hyunjin's memory, there existed a chapter stained with the somber hues of grief and loss. A chapter that unfolded when he was just seven years old, an age where the world often remains an enchanting realm of innocence. But for Hyunjin, that period was marked by the quiet pain of watching his beloved mother succumb to a relentless chronic illness.

The palace, once a haven, echoed with the quiet murmurings of whispered despair. Hyunjin's mother, a figure of warmth and kindness, lay concealed behind the walls of her chamber, her strength gradually diminishing with each passing day.

A veil of separation, cruelly dictated by the nature of her illness, confined Hyunjin to the edge of his mother's suffering. He was banned from the sanctuary of her presence, forbidden from stepping too near. The corridors of the palace, which had once echoed with the laughter of a vibrant queen, now carried the hushed cries of a family touched by the cruel hand of fate.

Despite the impassable distance, Hyunjin found solace in the simplest acts of connection. Night after night, he would sleep outside the door of his mother's chamber, his small frame cocooned in the hope that his closeness might somehow bridge the gap created by illness.

In the quiet moments before sleep claimed him, Hyunjin would clutch the  curtains fabric, as if holding onto the essence of his mother. The curtain, a fragile barrier between them, became his anchor, a tangible link to the woman he adored. Through the delicate veil, he would whisper his dreams, confide his fears, and share the snippets of his day, hoping that the ethereal connection could transcend the confines of the physical.

His mother, weakened but resilient, would respond in kind. Her voice, a gentle lullaby of comfort, reached his ears like a soothing balm. Even as illness stole her vitality, the enduring love between mother and son wove an invisible blanket of warmth that defied the cruelty of circumstance.

One night, as the flickering candles cast dancing shadows, Hyunjin held the curtain with an unusual intensity. The rhythm of his mother's voice, once vibrant, had grown fainter. He sensed the impending departure of a cherished presence, and his heart, tender and untouched by the harsh realities of the world, braced for the inevitable.

When news of her passing arrived, it was as if the very foundations of the palace trembled in acknowledgment of the void left behind. The grief that enveloped Hyunjin exceeded the boundaries of his young heart, echoing in the hallowed halls where a mother's laughter had once resided.

Walking down the corridors,  he crossed the recesses of his memories, a vivid image of his mother emerged, her laughter a melodic refrain that resonated through time. The warmth of her love had been a guiding light, an unwavering source of comfort that defined the contours of his childhood. She had been his first encounter with the selfless nature of devotion, a beacon of kindness in a world often overshadowed by complexities.

Yet, as the sands of time slipped through the hourglass, another figure had gradually woven its presence into the fabric of Hyunjin's heart — Jeongin. The reasons behind this affection, now bordering on something deeper, unfurled in his contemplative mind.

Jeongin, with his unblemished innocence, had become a canvas upon which Hyunjin painted his hopes for a world untarnished by the complexities of the royal court. The vulnerability that emanated from Jeongin's being had not been a weakness but a profound strength that captivated the king's heart.

In the twisted courtly affairs, where alliances were forged with calculated precision, Jeongin's genuine demeanor stood as a testament to the purity Hyunjin had yearned for. The young servant, untouched by the intricacies of political machinations, embodied a simplicity that transcended the boundaries of social layers.

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