Chapter 3

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Jeongin, clad in his new robes and carrying the weight of his injuries, made his way back to the area where all the palace servants resided. The servants' quarters were modest compared to the grandeur of the rest of the palace, and it was here that Jeongin found himself once again.

As he entered the quarters, the atmosphere shifted. Some servants exchanged knowing glances, while others openly stared. The rumors of Jeongin's punishment had spread like wildfire, and his return was met with a mix of curiosity and malice.

A group of servants huddled together, whispering and snickering as they noticed Jeongin's presence. These were the ones who had falsely accused him, who had lied about his intentions and caused his punishment.

"Look who's back! The little runaway is here." Hyuk, one of the servants mocked him.

"And he looks even more pathetic now with those injuries. What a sight!" In-Su, who plotted against Jeongin together with Hyuk, laughed.

Jeongin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and he kept his gaze low, attempting to ignore the jeers. He knew that some of these servants had willingly misled the authorities, causing him to endure the unjust punishment.

"Oh, Jeongin, did you enjoy your little break in the medical room? I heard Chief Lui was extra caring with you." Beon Seok sneered.

Jeongin's heart sank as the servants who had lied openly mocked him. The laughter that followed their remarks was a cruel symphony that echoed in his ears.

"I don't want any trouble. I just want to go about my work." Jeongin said quietly to himself.

Jeongin's response was barely audible, but it was enough to provoke more laughter from those who took pleasure in his discomfort.

"Leave him alone, you heartless lot. Can't you see he's hurt?" Suho said sympathetically.

"Oh, now we have a sympathizer! Jeongin's just a troublemaker." Hyuk said dismissively.

The harassment intensified as some of the servants began to mimic his injuries, exaggerated limps, and feigned cries of pain.

"Oh, my poor back! I can't do any work today. Just like Jeongin!" In-Su mockingly limped, clutching his back.

Jeongin's cheeks burned with humiliation, and he felt the weight of their cruelty pressing down on him. He clenched his fists, trying to hold back the tears, but the relentless taunts seemed to have no end.

"Jeongin, don't you think you should run away again? Maybe Chief Lui will give you another 'special' treatment." Beom Seok said with a twisted grin.

Jeongin's patience wavered, and he took a deep breath, choosing to turn his back to the relentless harassers. He was determined not to let their cruelty break him, but it was a difficult battle to fight in an environment where even the smallest sign of vulnerability was exploited.

Jeongin sat alone in a quiet corner of the servants' quarters, contemplating the harsh reality of his life. The room buzzed with whispers and laughter, but he felt detached from it all. His thoughts were consumed by the injustices he had faced, and he couldn't help but think of the family he had been forcibly separated from.

In his mind, he pictured his parents, their faces filled with warmth and love. He recalled the gentle lullaby his mother used to sing to him and the comforting embrace of his father. The memories of his carefree days by the sea brought a tear to his eye as he longed for the life he once knew.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, a hushed whisper began to spread like wildfire among the servants. It carried with it the mention of another king's presence in the palace and the ominous word "war."

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