Chapter 8

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The atmosphere in the king's chamber grew tense as General Byol and King Hyunjin delved into the details of their impending war and the treacherous presence of a spy within the palace.

"Your Majesty, we must discuss our strategies with King Lee Minho for the upcoming war. The situation is growing increasingly dire, and we need to ensure our defenses are strong."

"I share your concerns, General. This war is a threat to the stability of our kingdom. What do you propose?" Hyunjin nodded, encouraging the General to speak his mind.

General Byol unrolled a map of the kingdom on the table, pointing to various strategic points and possible battlegrounds. He outlined a plan that involved reinforcing key locations, positioning troops strategically, and securing resources to support their forces. "Our troops must be prepared for every possible scenario, and we must be vigilant against any attempts by the enemy to outmaneuver us. We cannot afford any weaknesses."

Hyunjin nodded, a weighty responsibility resting on his shoulders. The impending war had brought out a more somber side of the king, one that recognized the sacrifices and risks involved in protecting the kingdom. "Indeed, General. Our people look to us for leadership, and it's our duty to safeguard their well-being. We must leave no stone unturned in our preparations."

General Byol then turned the conversation toward the more delicate matter of the spy.

"We must also consider the issue of the spy. The fact that they know about our secret canons is deeply troubling. We need to identify and apprehend the spy before they can cause more harm."

"I agree, General. The safety of our kingdom and its people is of paramount importance. He could be anyone. We can’t trust nobody. Do you have any leads on who the spy might be?"

General Byol hesitated, choosing his words carefully.

"There are some suspicions, but nothing concrete yet. We need to be discreet in our investigation. The spy might be someone we least expect." General Byol said, hi mind wandering to the possibilities of people who can have a hand in this matter.

"Agreed, General. We cannot afford to create chaos within the palace by casting doubt on innocent individuals. Our focus must be on uncovering the truth while maintaining the stability of our kingdom. Any chaos will only alert the spy and that would be dangerous"

As their conversation continued, Hyunjin and General Byol exchanged ideas and concerns. They recognized the gravity of their roles and the challenges they faced, both in terms of war strategy and palace security. The palpable tension in the room underscored the gravity of their situation, but their determination to protect their kingdom remained unwavering.


In the midst of the bustling palace servant quarters, Jeongin found himself deep in conversation with Suho, a fellow servant who had also felt the weight of their shared struggles.

"Jeongin, it's clear you've been through a lot recently. Storis about you  have been circulating, and not all of them are kind."

Jeongin, his mind still logged from earlier and body still aching from Chief Lui's relentless punishments, sighed and gave a weary nod. "Yes, it's been a challenging time. Chief Lui can be merciless, and I've felt the sting of his punishments. But I don’t know why others are so-"

Suho nodded in sympathy, his eyes filled with understanding.  "You've shown great resilience. Enduring such hardships is a testament to your strength. "

Jeongin was grateful for Suho's words of support in a place where compassion was often in short supply. It was a rare moment of human connection that lifted his spirits. "Thank you, Suho. I'm doing my best to persevere."

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