Chapter 14

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Hyunjin’s hatred for the throne traced back to the cradle of his youth, a time when the palace gardens bore witness to a play where his father, the once-majestic king, took center stage. In that memory, etched in the corridors of time, Hyunjin observed the metamorphosis of royalty – a cruel alchemy where vibrancy faded into the relentless gloom of responsibility.

There, amid the manicured splendor of blossoms, Hyunjin's father, an imperial figure now stooped under the crown's weight, epitomized the cost of power. The spark that once ignited his eyes, a flame of life untamed, had been extinguished by the relentless grind of rulership. The laughter that once echoed harmoniously had devolved into the hollow echoes of courtly affairs.

As a wide-eyed child, Hyunjin swore an audacious oath, vowing to avoid such a fate. Little did he fathom the fickle nature of fate, an unseen puppeteer arranging his trajectory toward an unavoidable inheritance. Now, as he surveyed his own chamber, adorned with symbols of authority, the irony wasn't lost on him – a bitter pill swallowed with the knowledge that his past disdain had become a haunting present.

Hyunjin stood with a brooding silhouette, casting a disdainful gaze upon the moonlit spectacle outside. As he grappled with the shackles of kingship, a maelstrom of bitter memories swirled, the past coiling around the present in an intricate dance

He loathed the throne not merely for the magnificence it exuded but for the silent, stifling loneliness it imposed. The blending of genuine friendship had morphed into calculated alliances, masked by the facade of courtly decorum. The once-vibrant palace, teeming with life, now echoed with the hollowness of official conspiracies.

The royal edicts he signed, each diplomatic exchange, and the constant masquerade of regal composure mocked the dreams of his youth. Hyunjin, standing in the moonlit chamber, felt the weight of the crown not only as a symbol of authority but as a constant reminder of the promises he couldn't keep.

His father's struggles weren't merely inherited; they were embodied in the disillusioned monarch standing before the grand window. The moonlight, instead of casting a comforting glow, seemed to expose the stark reality – a young king ensnared in the legacy of his forebears.

In a moment of unfiltered emotion, Hyunjin poured his disdain into the silent night, a monologue of rebellion against the unpredictable fate that had tethered him to the throne. The moon, indifferent to his rant, bore witness to the unfolding tragedy – a king who hated his kingdom not for its flaws but for the sacrifices it demanded.

The heavy wooden door echoed with a rhythmic knocking. “Enter.” Hyunjin declared without turning back. His eye fixed on the palace grounds. General Byol approached Hyunjin with a grave expression. Moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting an ghostly glow on the two figures engaged in a conversation that could shape the fate of the kingdom.

General Byol, his expression reflecting the weight of recent revelations, began, "Your Highness, we've stumbled upon a significant development in our investigation. It appears that Chief Lui had a close relationship with one of the palace guards named Haejin. He confessed about it telling that he didn’t want anyone to know about it. Other than that. He denied all the accusations, saying it’s a conspiracy against him."

Hyunjin's eyes narrowed with intrigue and suspicion. "That guard was his lover? Did Lui tell you anything else?"

General Byol took a measured breath before continuing, "No he didn’t. And it’s hard to decipher that whether Haejin is involved in all this mess or not? He might or might not be. However, there are several guards with the name Haejin, and we haven't identified the specific one yet."

Hyunjin leaned forward, his interest piqued. "So, we're dealing with multiple guards named Haejin. How do we narrow down the possibilities and find the one connected to Chief Lui?" Suho, that servant, he saw that guard. Ask him to identify or tell any details he remember about that Haejin.”

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