An Owl's Return

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3rd person POV:

Doni trotted back.He took a sip of water and had 2 bread and 3 steak.He was half-way to his server. He was happy to have the sickness gone,as well he gets to be back with his friends.All of this on all fours,to feel what it's like to be wild.Doni felt it great,calming,and magnificent. It was a nice feeling for him.Probally even more than liger-who was of course a liger hybrid,hence the name.The British owl started to run,he needed to make it back quick.It took him a few days to reach to the nightstone.And he wants it to take a few hours to reach back home.

The nightstone must have made him abit faster,because the owl was running faster than before.It was a nice feeling for Doni.To be........wild and free.Since he was much faster than before, he reached backed to the server in 9 hours.Which was pretty quick,especially since the trip to the Nightstone was a few days.But that being fast was an effect from the nightstone apperantly.

The group was happy to see doni,well,they didn't even know he left.Doni finally had the courage to tell them everything.The colour of the sky turned to a slightish gray.Signalling night is soon set.Apart from the memories they had while doni was sick,they had a great time.Doni even mentioned how it felt to be wild.But of course,the others couldn't feel it like he did,not even Liger.

But there was no need to worry now,they were all safe,and that's what matters.Safe and sound.Happy.The group was happy,for everything,and everyone.

"No matter what the situation is,enjoy what you have and what you get"

Hello my tator tots!
Thank you for all the support on this book,it means a lot to me.
Unfortunately, this book has come to an end.
But don't worry!I will still post on this,but it won't be chapters.
It's like-
A thing where you can kinda intact with the characters.Like you can ask them questions.
For example:
"Has Doni ever (insert question here)"
And something like that.And if you want,you can do this *boops doni's beak*
Hehe,anyways,bye!i'll see you on the non-chapters on this!

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