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Doni's POV:

After I found out what caused my sickness and how to cure it,I deicded I should pack for whenever I manage to go and see the space-stones.Atleast some food,drinks,and health stuff in case I get hurt.There will be a lot of mobs,after all I'll go at night. I looked around my house for some stuff.Checking in my chest,I found 5 peices of bread,7 peices of steak and 4 bottles of water.I grabbed them and put them in a yellow shulker box.I looked around more and found 6 bandages, 1 bottle of alochol(the one used for cuts),and some cotton balls.I dont know if this will be enough, but I sure hope so.Putting all the stuff in the shulker box,I heard a knock on my door."coming!"I screeched.I opened the door to see lynix."oh....uhh h-hi lynix!"I stuttered."I just wanted to check,you have been acting weird since last night"he explained.I started to tap my foot.I gave an awkward laughter."oh,well you know me!"I laughed.Lynix raised an eyebrow and questioned,"you sure?"."yeah!like I said,you know me,always know?"I answered."well okay then if you say so,bye......enjoy your day"he muttered the last part.I turned around and quickly mined the shulker box making it able to fit in my hand.Letting out a sigh of relief,I flopped myself on the bed."when should I go?"I thought to myself.
Lynix's POV:

Walking away from doni's house,I still had a suspicious feeling about what he said.I should tell someone about this I thought.I saw quiff and aatrix talking,so I went up to them."hey guys!"I exclaimed."hey"both of them greeted me."have you guys......noticed something off about doni?"I asked."no,not really"aatrix replied."yeah me either"quiff also replied."oh......",I was surprised,"okay then,bye!"I shouted and left.I went to kiply,she said she didn't see anything off.Everyone I asked said the same thing.
"No,he seems fine too me"
Am I the only one who notices?ugh whatever its fine.But it really makes me wonder what's wrong with doni?
Aatrix's POV:

I found it weird that lynix asked me if I noticed something off with doni.He seemed fine to me,other than the coughing and sickness he has.I wonder what caused it,it seems alittle to serious.Doni should be fine in a few days,after all not all sickness lasts forever.I just hope this illness doesnt stay perament.I went to my house,well almost house,it only needs some decorating.I opened the door to see my dog,ruby,she was a Finnish Spitz."hi ruby!"I started to pet her.I got up and started to put away my things.After putting up all my stuff,I went on my bed."goodnight ruby"I said as I drifted off to sleep.Goodnight,doni,and everyone else.

At the rise of the moon,everyone went to sleep,expect doni.He stayed awake.He wanted to see if anything will occur during the night.Maybe it will give him a hint for when he starts his small or who knows how long journey to get better.If they will be anything at night,he should be able to see it,after all,owls have good night vision and hearing.A little while later into the night.An unexpected guest showed up.This guest wasn't any ordinary guest.It looked like something out of a fictional tail.Doni had seen this,and went to see what the "guest" wanted.

Word count:601

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