The reach

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Doni's POV:

I step my paw on the mountain,I finally reached it!I rushed through,but still making sure the bears wouldn't hear me.The NightStone is almost in my reach! Just a few more and I can-


I̶ c̶h̶o̶k̶e̶d̶ a̶s̶ I̶ f̶e̶e̶l̶ t̶o̶ t̶h̶e̶ f̶l̶o̶o̶r̶ a̶n̶d̶ b̶l̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ d̶e̶a̶t̶h̶

(Okay time to be serious now-)

I screeched in pain as I felt something dig into my back leg.Turning around, I realized I was in a bear trap.What,how,why,when?Come on!I sighed,thinking it couldn't get any worse,but of did.A tree branch snapped.I quickly turned to see a bear looking at me with fierce eyes.Gulp.I struggled to get out of the bear trap I got stuck in.I'm not even a bear,why would this happen!?I used my beak and pride open the trap.Thank goodness.

The bear launched at me,I quickly went under it to dodge it.I looked back at the bear and it looked at me.The bear growled,showing me it's teeth.I quickly ran from there.And of course, the bear started to chase me.It was like a 'sick chase scene with a predator and prey'.I was basically the prey,but other times i'm the predator.You know?when i'm hunting.

I finally managed to escape the bear when I bumped into something."oof!"I yelped.I looked infront of me and it was....THE NIGHTSTONE!Yes,yes,yes,yes!I finally reached it!Wait-  I need to wait for it to be night.sighs. Just gotta wait now.This is gonna take a while.

•literally 5 hours later•

Okay,it's night now.A group of mystic creatures came.A fox,wolf,coyote,black panter,and a cat.
"Welcome" the cat meowed.
"You came to get healed little owl?" The coyote asked.
"Well,seems like you are" The black panter stated.
"And it seems like you chose the nightstone" The fox mumbled.
"Well then,let's fix you to normal health" The wolf barked.

I nodded."put your paw on the stone"The Wolf said.I did as the wolf said.The mystic creatures put their paw on it as well."&$%1+=+"The black panter spoke.Is that some sort of cryptid message?I guess so."-@($@3@(" The fox mumbled.It is,isn't it?

I didn't now want really happened but they told me I was good to go.I guess I have powers now?Sweet.I thanked them."I promise,I will never touch the star-stone ever agian"I vowed.The mystic creatures looked pleased.What?do they think i'm really foolish enough to touch it agian?

Well anways,i it's time to go back home.Home,a place where I belong,and take this off my shoulders.I'm going back home.*deep breath*.I'm ready for this.Why wouldn't I be?My home is my home,and it will always be.Home.

Word count:468

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