Four twenty

32 2 0

Aleister knew when he saw you in the ring during your match that you definitely smoked a little bit but what he didn't know was that you had a thirty five milligram edible right after. Rhea knew by the way you were lightly swaying even standing still that you weren't normal but she thought that you were sick or exhausted not high out of your mind due to it being National Weed Day, despite your very inebriated state you get the win against rhea leading to you giggling as you laid in the ring "You okay? You're flushed" you giggle more as aleister comes and helps you backstage where he immediately realizes that you were more high than he realized as you sway on the couch of his locker room after splashing water on your face, he grabs you water and food from catering only to find you sitting next to Bianca who is unable to control her laughter at your current condition of being very high off your ass thanks to the extra kick from the edible. He stands outside the bathroom while you shower after drinking all of the water and ate some of the food he brought you, surprisingly no one had come by to ask you about why aleister came out to help you backstage until Shawn Michaels stopped by as you laid on the couch watching Pete Dunne's match against Raul Mendoza "How much weed did you smoke?" you look up at shawn and show him half the joint you smoked but aleister knew you must have had something until he finds the empty baggie "Did you have an edible?" you nod as shawn and aleister look at each other before mumbling how much it was which left the two men stunned as you fell asleep "Take care of her and we'll edit a few things, she's just gonna have a week without matches" you wake up two hours later in your hotel room with aleister "Hey you're awake, how did you sleep? I know you said edibles help you sleep better" he kisses your forehead before you eat room service and watch movies together as aleister realizes what the date for the day was "IT WAS FOUR TWENTY AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!?" you laugh before smoking a joint outside in his car and falling asleep spending the next week ringside before getting back in the ring and starting your feud with Tegan Nox.

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