seven:: shark

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I tried to scream but water filled my lungs. Andrew grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the other side of the tank. I saw a glimpse of Dad's straight face as he pulled me.

The big fish stared at us. It was pretty crazy to see how the heck a big of a fish was in this small tank. Or how'd it get here? I had many questions, but now really wasn't the time to figure out. 

I was struggling to breathe, looking at the huge fish. The water was not helping at all. Andrew's grip around my wrist tightened. I looked at him, his face looked determined. But under that mask, I knew he was scared.

The fish was 100x the size of us. Its back is blue and its stomach white. Suddenly, within a blink of an eye, it charged for us.

Coming straight at us. It's cold, solid black eyes staring at us. 

My heart beat out of my chest. We're not dying here- are we?

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Andrew's hand tugged my wrist and dragged me to the side before the shark could smack us.

We were still in water, so we still had to keep floating. 

By an inch, we missed the shark-smack and the shark crashed into the glass. The glass didn't break.


How did the glass not break? It's normal glass- right?

I stared at the glass, which didn't even make a single crack.

My thoughts were soon inturppted when I felt Andrew drag me to the side again as the shark went for us.

Andrew POV:

I grabbed and dragged her away from that shark. She seems completely nonchalant! Does she not notice there is a- 50 pound fish trying to kill us?
Worst of all, our dad is under all this! 

I look at her and back at the fish. This is not the time to be daydreaming, Bella..

The shark charges us again, I can feel the water moving slightly as it harshly moves, charging towards us.

I drag her to the side of the tank everytime. The shark keeps crashing onto the class,missing us by inches.

What the- how is the glass not breaking?

I kept dragging her, going to each corner of the tank as the fish charges. I soon figured out a pattern. Going to the front, side, back, in a zigzag sign confused the shark.

Each time I go, I see a glimpse of Dad's stupid face taking notes. I don't think he realizes his only children, could get killed right now.

But then again, he never cared.

I kept dragging Arabella from side to side. The shark seemed to get dizzy from going in circles.

I take a glimpse at Bella. She- she's the reason we're in this- mess. If she didn't bring up that stupid plan..

It doesn't matter now. I feel Bella's body sinking down as I hold her wrist. 

I snap my head at her to see a huge wound on her side. Blood was bleeding through the white "suit".

What the-? 

The pain suddenly hits me on my side. I saw blood on my hands. And just like that- we were sinking. 


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