three:: a plan

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That night I couldn't sleep. 

What just happened? I stared at my wrist as I sat on my bed. It was still red. Andrew was sitting next to me. We were both processing what just happened.

"What do you think he's gonna do? This isn't a good sign." He said. I don't know what he meant by "sign" but I didn't want to ask.

"Dunno." I said  shortly.

"....Don't overthink it, Bella." he said.

"I know."

"We'll be fine. Plus.. its not that illegal. Right..?" he tried to comfort me but it wasn't working.

I sighed and laid down on my pillow and he was still sitting up next to me.

"Just go to sleep Andrew." I said.

"Jeez." he rolled his eyes. 

It was dark, the only source of light being the dim lamp. We didn't have any windows but we could hear the raindrops. It was raining quite a lot.

I thought about the tattoos. My mind was spiraling. I thought.. what if we we never lived this life? It's probably obvious our parents don't genuinely care about  us. Do they? I just wanted to sleep now, so I closed my eyes and dozed off.

The next morning I woke up to the white-washed room. All I saw was white. I was gonna set my mind straight for the day , when I looked to my side to see my brother who fell asleep beside me. Great. This bed is already small enough! Why did he have to sleep next to me?!

I nudged him gently with my shoulder. He seemed to be in deep sleep so I just let him be. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. Everything was silent. Not a single sound.

After a few minutes, I saw Andrew start to stir. I saw his eyes fluttered open. I saw his blue eyes look up at me and he sat up. He was instantly a few inches taller than me.

He ruffled my hair, 

"I'm taller than you." he laughed.

Seriously? That's the first thing he says? I pull his hand away.

"Shut up." 

"Aww is someone getting mad?" he started to tease me as he smiled.

"I said shut up!" I said, annoyed.

Today was yet another normal day, just staring at the blank wall. Waiting for something to happen. Until later in the day I decided to say something,

"I'm sick of this."

"What?" Andrew asked.

"Being trapped here. Monitored. Every single move. We can't even go outside."

"...we can't do anything about it."

"Well it's time we try. Come on. What's the worst that can happen?"

"Uh- get another tattoo- or more tests, get more supervision?! I don't know, anything could happen."

"Jeez you're being optimistic, Andrew." I roll my eyes.

"Come on Bella, we cant risk it."

"We only have one life. Is this how you want to spend the rest of your life? Stuck here?-"

"Bella-" I cut him off.

"Tell me? Do you want to stay here in captivity? For the rest of your life?"


"Well what?!"

"FIne, fine. I see what you're saying, but we don't even know the real world."

"We could figure it out."

"We're just kids, Bella."

"Come on, Andrew. Please?" I pleaded.

He thought about it and hesitated.

"Fine- how are we gonna do this?"

I gave a smile. We were gonna get out of this dump. My face brightened.

But how  stupid I was not to see,

 the camera capturing our every word.

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