Chapter 11

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"Fuck Amy," I interrupt passionately looking down at the mass influx of text messages from her

Nick pauses in his monologue, which is undoubtedly about said girl, opens his mouth and then closes it before saying,

"In summary, yes. But there's no need to be crude about it."

"I'm not doing it," I say resignedly and I place my chin decidedly on the hard desk peering up at Nick

A clatter of metal trays and laughter materialize beside me and I let out a loud groan making Nick laugh before kicking me because be nice, Lyra, they are our friends. I turn my head to see Shane who is already digging into his heart attack for a meal. He notices me staring and a large smile erupts across a mouth that is struggling to juggle both the smile and the food.

"Ew," I deadpan and his smile widens and I don't know how on god's good Earth that is possible

"This is it," Asa proclaims walking over to us, shoulders slumped and eyes eager to dramatize. He sits next to Nick and lies on his lap.

"Did he stub his toe again?" Shane somehow enunciates through the food

"I can't believe he gave me a F out of spite," Asa moans

"I'm sure he had probable cause,"

"Yeah, but mostly spite,"

Nick gently pats his head, indulging the man-child in his woes.

Jenna plops down next to me, pushes back her hair down the side of her neck and takes in what's before her before asking me,

"Is that my boyfriend?"

Asa replies with a resounding howl. I nod affirmatively.

"Hey babe," Jenna greets him carefully and receives a softer grumble. "How was your English test?"

All of us frantically start flailing our arms around, but it's too late.

Asa scrambles up and the rest of the lunch passes without much event: just casual plotting on how to burn Mr. Young's copy of Great Expectations and flush the ashes. I placate him but agreeing to collaborate with his criminal mastermind if he keeps quiet and finish his lunch. Jenna promises me free food in exchange.

So when I look over Nick's shoulder to find Amy staring at me expectantly and I groan, everyone turns to me with eyebrows raised.

"What? You don't want free food?" Jenna asks, raising and eyebrows and waving her chopsticks at me suspiciously

I make a face and then deter myself from Amy's persistent stare. I give them a dismissive wave but I see Nick peering over his shoulder curiously following my gaze. There is a small flush to his face when he sees Amy who immediately looks away when she catches his gaze.

"So whipped," I mutter under my breath and Nick turns around

"I know," he grins toothily


"Come on, Lyra, please,"


"This is a one-time opportunity."


"Have you watched Glee?" she asks suddenly

"Yes, once."

"It's like—"


"You don't even have a reason," she hisses frustrated, "Do it for the school. Enhance your school spirit. Teamwork and glorious times." She pauses and then deadpans at my dismissive face, "You are getting extra credits for this,"

I stutter in my demeanor. I raise my hands to the sky and then lean against the door staring at this new girl who is burdened by the job of having to convince Lyra fucking Donovan to a fucking dance off in front of the whole damn school.

"It's just in front of two schools," Amy adds pleadingly


"Alright," I mutter sullenly

"Alright?" she looks like she is about to cry

"Crying is a deal breaker." I warn her

She cups her hands around her mouth and breathes in relief into them. Something akin to a giddy laugh escapes her mouth, "Oh my god. You are beautiful, Lyra Donovan,"

"Bet you say that to all the girls," I drone unsmiling

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