Chapter 87

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I do end up going to New York.

The flight is loud and rowdy because it carries some of the most chaotic people to ever board a plane. Aiden works on his laptop in a corner before giving up on concentration and joining in, and I manage to scrape in some reading for my exams before being roped into (as per usual) one of Nick's antics. Nick fits in seamlessly with Aiden's siblings, almost as if he has always been part of their family.

Nick always did seem to fit in with everyone but here, it looks as though he truly does belong. His eyes have an uncontrolled naked gleam to it. I see it more and more now. I spot the subtle way in which Amy brushes past his arm and I think I know why.


Everyone regrets not sleeping on the flight for five hours when Aiden's brother, who has a very ridiculous name and an even more ridiculously attractive English accent, joyfully declares the party to be starting a few hours after landing.

Which is why I now lay on my bad incapable of moving. I cannot, however, take my eyes off the snow. Never travelling outside Cali meant I had never seen snow and despite the logistical issues it may entail, it's still so beautiful.

Reminds me of someone.

I roll onto my side and groan into my pillow when Hye-Rin walks in.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asks, half amused and half concerned

I open my mouth to bemoan when Diana buts her head in, "Hey fucker, pick your clothes now without panicking fifteen minutes before we have to leave."

I stick my tongue out at her and go back to stuffing my face into the pillow.


Aiden and Prince come to pick us up from the hotel.

Prince goes to pick Nick and Amy and Aiden knocks on our door. I answer.

His greeting dies on his mouth when he sees me. I smile at him and do an awkward full turn. His eyes burn onto me. I held out my arms with a little shrug.

"Not too bad, no?"

"You are wearing the scarf." He says almost breathlessly

"Um." I look down at the blue scarf he had bought me and look back up at him. "It went with the outfit and—"


I gulp trying to formulate something to say or to find something else to look at other than the way Aiden is staring at me now.

"I mean." he rushes, his voice falling back to its usual cool, "I mean, your hair. Your hair looks great. I don't think I've seen it in a braid before."

I laugh off the tension, helping him dissipate it. "I can't take credit for that. That's all Hye-Rin."

"My compliments to the chef then." He says as the others come out and Prince hollers at Kathy from across the hallway. Nick and Amy at his side. The atmosphere becomes too crowded and noisy and merry for the tension to coexist. Aiden's smirk reappears and he holds out his hand. "Shall we?"

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