Chapter 50

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The words come out of my mouth the way it always does every-time I see my sister.

"Missy, what the fuck?"

"Hello, Capo." She smiles pleasantly and then rises on her tiptoes to look over my shoulder at Lyra. I push into her way.

She sidesteps me after throwing me a shrewd look, "We've met once before but I'm Aiden's sister, Missy." She holds out her hand

I turn to find Lyra looking slowly from me to Missy and then back to me before warily and very gingerly shaking Missy's hand, "I'm Lyra," she says through a tight lipped smile. "Aiden has told me a lot about you."

"Hopefully good things?"

"Definitely things."

Missy's smile stills on her lips as she turns a little on her heels to murderously stretch her lips further. I sneer at her and when I see her open her mouth to talk to Lyra, I cut her off my grabbing her upper arm.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss lifting her a little off her feet as I pull her away from the counter and Lyra

She doesn't struggle under my grip and that does nothing to my nerves. Dragging her out near the bathrooms, I turn to her fuming.

"Relax. I don't really care who your little side chick is. I came searching for you because I wanted to know about who came to the house that night." She shifts her entire body weight onto one leg and crosses her elbows

"You couldn't have called?" I asked in disbelief

"You never answer my calls." She replies

"So you decided to stalk me?"

"Well Jesus, I wouldn't have if I knew you were going to be so touchy about it."

I huff and lean against the wall unable to even accurately and effectively project my anger. I inhale sharply, "Why now? You stopped poking your nose about it months ago."

She rolls her eyes. "I did that because I wanted in on the gossip. Now, I am seriously concerned."

Her voice grows smaller towards the end. She is biting down on her nail and is looking around as if she is waiting to be jumped. I knock my knee into her calf and she looks at me.

"Nothing happened to me." she waves me off when she sees the look on my face and I relax a little. "Some people came around work asking for you."

"Not the press, I take it."

"They asked for Capo. Not Aiden." She looks at me steadily. Well, fuck. "I'm guessing this has something to do with the secret job Mother has for you."



I narrow my eyes at her before raising my index finger. "How do you—"

"No," she pushes me around so I am facing the counter. "Diana."

It's almost as if Diana heard us because she slowly turns around from the cashier where she looks like she had been conversing with Lyra and faces us. She sees me first, smiles hesitantly before her eyes skip over to Missy. Diana's face hardens and it's the same face she gave me when she first saw me after four years.

Missy pushes past me and strides up to the counter. I close my eyes for a moment preparing myself before following her. I catch her right before she comes up to Diana who stares at her unblinkingly as she makes her way up to her.

"Ladies—" I begin warningly and Missy shakes out of my hold

"What the fuck are you doing here, Diana?"

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