Chapter 6

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"What an arrogant little bitch," I grit my teeth and yell out, "Missy! If you don't bring back my fucking phone charger, I will set actual fire to your fucking clothes,"

The accusee comes into the room with a dangling phone charger and face ready for war, "Really?"

I wave the matchbox at her holding out my other hand for the charger,

"Real enough?"

"You are a psychopath, you know that?" she scrunches her face and throws the charger at me and I toss her the matchbox

"You have that effect on people." I say brushing past her hearing her mutter pettily under her breath

I walk back to the room groaning as my phone shuts down unable to handle the bullshit I am served on a daily basis in this house. I rub the back of my neck and sigh. I need to sleep. I'll even burn Missy at stake for a couple of hours. Who am I kidding? I'll burn her at stake for anything. Including and definitely for shits and giggles.

This is bad. I'm either going to end up killing myself or somebody else if I don't have some shut eyes. Immediately.

"We need to talk,"

And when do I ever get what I want.

"I didn't do anything," I hold my hands defensively placing the charger on the table and leaning against the door to my room facing Mother

Her eyes soften and she chuckles a little, "You've not done anything wrong. I just need to have a talk with you,"

I snort and push myself off the door to plug my phone to charge,

"I'm way too old for that,"

"You are never too old for me," she murmurs

"Stop it. It's gross," I mumble quietly and she laughs leaning forward to ruffle my hair

"You're gross. Do you remember the time when you—"

"You know I don't and bringing up stuff like that is just a low blow." I scoff

"You are moving out,"

I look at the packed bags and nod,

"Yeah. I came here just for the job. I have a meeting with the Japanese branch tomorrow. "

She sits back on the bed and clasps her hands together. She looks down at her lap and I know something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting at her feet looking up at her

"I feel like I'm putting too much on you," she says quietly

Oh no, it's that talk.

"We are not doing this," I shake my head and stood up

"You are eighteen, sweetheart," she cuts in, "You should be enjoying the," she lifts her shoulders and gestures vaguely, "the prime of your youth,"

I stare at her,

"Firstly, I can't believe you just said 'prime of your youth' and secondly, all I need to enjoy is sleep. I've been up for almost three days now."

"See, no teenager says that." she says in aghast

"Please Mother, every teenager says that," I wave her off

There is a short silence.

And she doesn't give up.

"Prince is working with some modeling agency. Duchess is working on that book of hers. Missy's being talking about starting up her own clothing line. Sandy's—" she inhales hard and bites her lip, "Everyone's going to leave. And I'm going to have to let them go and it's just not fair of me to keep you,"

"You are not keeping me. I'm staying," I look down at the shadow that had fallen on the wooden floor

"Cap—Aiden," she sighs exasperated and I turn to her raising my eyebrows, "I'm not your...not your real mother,"

I laugh, "No?"

Mother ignores me and continues to stare meaningfully at me.

I give in and murmur, "Don't say that,"

"I have no right—"

I sit on my knees and the floor is hard but it's okay. I take her hands in mine. Mine have become so much bigger and rougher than hers and I don't know if I like it.

"You have every right. And I'll do anything you ask me. Anything, you hear me?" I look at her, "You saved me. You didn't have to. I owe you everything,"

"Don't say that," her voice is clogged and I don't say anything when I see a tear falling down her cheek, I just brush it away

"You had a choice. And I'll live the rest of my life showing you that it's the right one,"

"I love you," she says and places her arms around me. I grumble and keep my head on the crook of her shoulder because it is still warm there, still comfortable, still safe. Like it was then.

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