From the Author

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Thank you.

Your love for Invasato and the support I've gotten from this tiny community has been so heartwarming, it's what keeps me writing. I see the comments from my regular readers, I get so excited when you theorize or simply express your excitement for each and every chapter.

Whether you've been reading my stories since Crumble, or Cherry, or discovered me from Invasato...I'm so grateful.

My passion is cemented in writing. I've been working on Invasato for three years and the fact that this first book is done now is crazy to me. I didn't want it to end.

I cant wait for us to dive into the rest of Elaina and Harry's story together in the sequel. I'll see you there ;)

In the meantime, if you want to check out my other stories, including my new book, 'Bones', it's all on my profile. My twitter is in my bio, I'd love to interact with y'all on there too ❤️

Lots of things are coming, my friends.

I love you.


(you don't look ugly...i will always regret this user name but it's too late now. you're beautiful, sis.)

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