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Elaina Basset

I take a deep breath, trying to keep myself collected as I start to follow Harry down the stairs after that little remark he made.

I follow him out to the front of the villa, seeing how he takes a seat on the front steps and hangs up the phone.

I don't sit next to him. Instead, I lean against one of the pillars in silence. He's the last person I want to see right now, let alone talk to.

He pulls out a cigarette, sticks it in his mouth and lights it as he sits with his knees up and legs spread.

I should text Isaac back.

I feel so guilty. If Harry and I went too far up there, then it means I would've cheated on my fiancé. It was bad enough that I allowed Harry to make the sexual comments that he did.

Apart of me feels like I should just call Isaac and tell him everything. I should tell him how awful I feel and just be honest. That's what I'd want him to do if the roles were reversed.

We waited ten minutes for the cab, Harry had finished his cigarette in that amount of time...but when a black range rover pulled up instead of a taxi cab car, I grew immediately confused as Harry stood up.

"That's not a cab." I say as Harry walks towards it.

"Good eye." he remarks sarcastically. "They work for Zayn at the bar. They're gonna take us there."

I immediately groan with frustration. I didn't want to go to the bar...I wanted to go back to the villa, in my bed.

There were two men with sunglasses over their eyes taking up the driver's seat and passengers seat. I found the sunglasses a little pretentious...considering it was nighttime.

Harry opens the door for the backseat, gesturing with his apathetic face for me to climb in. I do so with a sigh of hesitance.

I sit on the leather seats, the air inside the car cool but not chilly.

"Hello, beautiful." the man in the passenger seat addresses me, looking at me through the rear view.

I press my lips together, trying to be polite.

I don't know these men. They apparently work for Zayn, but they're both huge and quite intimidating.

Harry gets in the vehicle, sitting behind the driver while I sat behind the passenger and the middle seat separated us.

"You made quite the catch, Styles." the guy in the passenger seat speaks again, making me uncomfortably shift in my seat.

Harry scowls at him. "Stop being dickheads and drive to the bar."

I place my chin in my palm and watch the night out the window. Tonight has been bad, and going to the bar was the last thing I wanted to do.

Everything I did—or almost did—with Harry was a complete, drunken mistake. He's not someone that I can be friendly or even civil with. We're meant to hate each other.

Driving down the highway, I realize how fast these guys were going. They were going at least 15 over the limit.

If I die tonight I'm gonna be so pissed.

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