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Elaina Basset

Officially, we're all back in Milan.

We got back late last night, after spending the day in Sicily. Angela, Bianca and I went out for some lunch while the boys hung out at the penthouse. Our lunch was actually great, we had the chance to sit and talk like nothing else was going on. Even Bianca and I got on really well, she's starting to grow on me.

That morning, I woke up at four...in Harry's bed. And I had woken up so early because I had a vivid dream where Isaac found me in that bed.

All I felt was shame. It was eating away at me and it nearly made me spiral into a full blown anxiety attack. I got up and out of the room before anyone else in the penthouse was awake, sneaking into my room with the girls while they were asleep and taking Harry's shirt off to change into my own pajamas. I ended up just stuffing his shirt into the side of my duffel bag that I have yet to unpack, it's just sitting on my bed at Zayn's villa right now.

What happened with Harry was wrong. Even if he didn't touch me, I wanted him to. And that's not something that an engaged woman should want—someone else's touch.

I need to devote myself to Isaac. I need to be better.

So, I've been...avoiding Harry since then.

I haven't been giving him the full silent treatment, but I've been staying out of his way. We all ate breakfast together the morning after the casino, and I made sure to sit as far away as possible from him. I did feel him looking at me every now and then, but I had to stay strong and not give in to my temptations to stare back.

I'm sure he doesn't care, and I'm sure that what happened that night was just a result of an adrenaline high. So I'm pretty positive that me keeping my distance won't have much affect on him.

We're on civil terms. That's all it needs to be.

I haven't seen him since we got back to Milan. He went back to his place late last night when we got back, I believe. Now, it's midday the next day and I'm at Angela's place with Bianca.

Sitting on the edge of Angela's bed while Bianca sits on the floor painting her fingernails black, we watch as Angela stands in front of her mirror with a red dress on a coat hanger. She holds it over her body and looks in the mirror, trying to configure how it would look on her physically.

Eventually, she sighs and tosses the dress to me.

"I give up. I don't look good in dresses." she mumbles in defeat.

I furrow my brows immediately. "What? You look good in everything."

"But I can't wear cute sundresses and skirts the way that you do." she gestures to the pale yellow sundress I'm wearing. "You always look so girly."

"And you always look like a hot badass." I chuckle. "That's our dynamic."

Her lips lift as she laughs under her breath. "I suppose."

Ever since I've known Angela, she's always had this confident energy, and it came out in the way she dressed and styled her hair and did her makeup. It made me so drawn to her, because our styles are so opposite.

I'm the bold brunette's best friend.

It's crazy to me that my best friend is Harry's half sister. It's something that freaked me out at first, and still, it's weird when I think about it too hard...so I don't let my mind go there too often because overall, she is still my best friend.

"Why do you wanna start wearing dresses anyway?" Bianca asks from her seat on the floor, holding out her hand in front of her face to examine her freshly coated nails.

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