344 21 7

Elaina Basset

Wake up.

You need to wake up.

My blurry conscience is screaming at me, through the throbbing ache in my head, and the urge to continue to keep my eyes shut.

When I finally do decide to open my eyes, I'm met with an atmosphere which holds barely any light—the only light coming from the moon through a window.

There's rustling, movement. I blink a few times to focus my blurry vision, seeing a figure a few feet away.

I groan out in pain, the side of my head throbbing with sharp pain. My noise makes the figure turn to look at me.

I knew it was Carter, but that knowledge didn't change the fact that I was terrified.

A smirk crawls onto his lips when he realizes I'm awake. He closes an open briefcase and leaves it on a desk, walking toward me.

I'm in a messy, small room. There's a window behind Carter, looking up to the moon which can only lead me to assume we're on the highest level of the museum.

"Hey, sis." he remarks, his voice chilling as always.

I breathe through my nose, unable to get air in through my mouth. I cant move, my arms tied behind me and my ankles bound together, I can feel the tape around them. The adhesive was wrapped around too many times to break through, sticking to my skin with zero mercy.

I look around, trying to keep myself from panicking. I'm searching for one person and one person only...but he's not here.

"Oh," Carter chuckles. "Don't worry, he's tucked away in another room. Alive." he says, talking about Harry which makes my chest want to cave knowing he didn't manage to get away.

He lowers himself down so he's crouched in front of the chair I'm sat on. Being so close to him made my anxiety spike more than I thought it ever could.

"We'll get to him, but I wanted to talk to you first." he says. "We've never had the chance."

With tape across my mouth, I breathe shakily through my nose as I look at him. It's hard to hide the fear that I'm feeling.

"You know," he laughs to himself again. "it's funny. I dedicated nearly two decades to finding you, and you walked right into a trap that I didn't even set, just by associating yourself with my greatest enemy. You orchestrated his demise without even knowing it."

I stay silent, my eyes welling up.

"Does that make you upset?" his head tilts, his lip pouting. "Even after the way he betrayed you?"

I blink and look away, up at the ceiling.

"He made you believe you were loved, Elaina. Doesn't that make you furious?."

A tear strays down my cheek and I sniff, my throat getting tight.

I cant believe this is happening.

Carter stands. "Don't cry for him. I can bring him in here right now and you can watch him die. Is that what you want?"

I look back at him and immediately feel fear for my life shift into fear for Harry's. I shake my head and try to protest, pulling against the tape around my wrists and shouting into the tape on my lips in hopes there was someone around. Carter just tsks and shakes his head.

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