Chapter 37

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Flashback 12
1st December 1996
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There are many rumours as to why Mattheo might be dating me, the most popular is an arranged marriage. But I have no money or no parents so it's easily disproven. My personal favourite is that I gave him Amortentia.

Whatever the rumour is it's all started to spiral a little too far out of control. I started walking to my classes alone, hoping it would stop, but it didn't.

"They'll find a new thing to talk about, don't worry about it" Pansy says, trying to reassure me as we sit down for potions class. It's taking a toll on me and she can tell, something I didn't know myself until she told me.

"I liked being invisible" I groan, leaning back into the chair as Pansy looks over to me. "Invisible is boring, anyway I have a plan to cheer you up" "Unless it consists of getting out of here, no thank you" she laughs and I roll my eyes. "If I had known that this would happen I wouldn't have-" "wouldn't have what, love?" Mattheo whispers behind me, and immediately I stop talking.

He reaches into his pocket and hands Pansy a black card. "Pansy is going to take you shopping, when you come back I want you to show me everything, okay?" He kisses my forehead gently and I feel all eyes on us.

Pansy, now ready for the theatrics, coughs twice before raising her hand. "Professor Slughorn, I don't feel so good, can Alora take me to the nurse" The professor looks between us confused before nodding his head "Fine, fine, don't take too long".

Pansy, now instantly feeling better jumps up with a smile, immediately earning a side stare from the Professor. Before he can change his mind I grab her hand and force her out of the classroom and into the hallway. "You really need to work on your acting," I say and we both laugh.

We walk back to Pansy's dorm to change and like usual it takes her two seconds to get her hair and makeup done, one day I'll get that spell out of her. "Please don't tell me you plan on blending in with the muggles by wearing your uniform" she laughs, but I only look at her confused. "We're going to Muggle London?" "Obviously, I want to wear a dress no one else will be wearing, and they're all likely going to Madam's in Diagon Alley. Plus, Muggles have a way for pretty dresses"

"Who are you and what have you done with Pansy Parkinson" We both laugh but her smile falters slightly. "You know I don't hate half-bloods or Muggles. They actually sort of fascinate me with how... Mundane everything they do is."

"I'll make sure to say that at our trials." I joke, but the mood drops instantly. "Do you think Volder- you know who is really going to start another war?" She asks, as if the answer isn't obvious. I sigh and sit down next to her. "I mean, the boys are all death eaters, so I don't think we have anything else to believe."

She goes silent, before looking at me nervously. "It's not just the boys, Alora." I look at her, shock present on my face as she rolls up her sleeve and shows me her mark. "My dad-" her eyes well with tears and I stop her before she can continue. "Don't worry, I understand." I don't, I don't understand why anyone would want that for themselves. But considering I'm dating the son of the dark lord having a best friend on his side is no surprise.

"So it's... all of you?" She nods, a single tear falling down her cheek, but I don't think it's because of me. Something about the way she talks about her dad just makes me think there's something wrong. "Look, Pans, if you ever need someone to talk to, about anything. I'm here."

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