Chapter 5

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32 days missing

"Wake up you bitch, we know it was you" Reg slaps me forcing me awake and looking up at him in fear.

"Reg? What happened?"

He scoffs pulling my hair and dragging me to the ground with his wand pointed at me.

"All our food miraculously disappeared last night while we slept, do you know anything about this?"

I shake my head, too afraid to move, to speak. I begin to cover my head with my arms.

"I didn't do anything, I swear. I've been chained to the bed all night, how am I supposed to get out of these enchanted chains?"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

His face turns furious, like nothing I have ever seen before.

"Do you think I'm an idiot Alora? Do you want me to kill you? Because I can, it would save me a whole lot of trouble in just getting it over with."

"Actually I have a better idea, let's find out what really happened last night. Don't try to resist me Alora."

He closes his eyes and I realise exactly what he's trying to do.

Block him Alora. Don't let him see.

Think of sleep, you were asleep in bed. You didn't see anything and nothing happened. Think about sleep. Sleep is darkness, nothingness.

I cloud my mind with the memory of sleeping, the pitch black of nothingness and Reg looks at me surprised.

"Stupid bitch, stop hiding from me"

He kicks my ribs causing me to lose focus for a moment and remember Lorenzo and his note.


"Where is it Alora?"

No. No. No.

"Where is the fucking note, Alora?"

Please dear god no.


My body moves in torment as the curse takes over, my screams echo through the room and tears start streaming down my face again.

Where are you Dray, I need you.

"Ready to tell me yet?"

I don't say anything. I can't. I can barely breathe with the pain that's in my chest. He must have broken a rip, or two.

"I need a healer"

He scoffs picking me up by my hair again before throwing me back on the ground and kicking me again.

"Tell me where the note is Alora, or you won't be alive for a healer."

If there is any time for Mattheo to come it's right now, I need him to save me now.

"It was just a dream, there is no note."

I lie. I don't know why I attempt to lie but it's the best option I have. He was trying to see my sleep, my dreams, so it's the best choice I have to hide this from him.

He scoffs kicking me again before leaving me on the ground and walking out.

I don't move, I can't move. The pain becoming excruciating with every breath I make. Maybe this is how I die. If my ribs are broken which I'm certain they are it could lead to internal bleeding.

My blood begins to pool around me and I watch as it soaks the carpets, once a dull grey now a dark crimson red.

I close my eyes and begin to sob on the cold hard ground. Why is this happening to me, what can't I remember that makes me deserve this, a fate worse than death?

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