Chapter 19

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Draco and I walk back to the house quietly, I haven't told him that I don't just remember Lucas, and for some reason, I don't want to. Theo is waiting for us inside and the heat nips at my skin as I'm reminded I just spend four hours outside on a cool winter day. I feel my cheeks flush at the change of temperature and I finally realise how cold I was.

"I have an idea, we're going out," Theo says with a smile that alerts me I'm about to put myself in trouble. Draco glares at Theo shaking his head "Absolutely not" "Look man, you're not her boyfriend you don't have to protect her." Theo argues which makes me smile, I suppress the laugh because while I do appreciate how Draco treats me, it makes me feel more fragile than what I am.

"We need to go on a task, and I figured Al would want to come with us." This time my jaw drops open at the invitation, a task. "Hold on you don't mean-" I'm cut off by Draco who's now taking a step towards Theodore. "Not. A. Chance," Draco growls but I tap his shoulder calming him down. "Are you going to kill people?" I ask calmly, never thought those words would come out of my mouth. "Trust me Ali, you want to be there."

Ali? That's new. But I decide to take the hint and I nod agreeing to come when Mattheo comes down the steps holding a mask in his hand. "You all know the rules, hoods and masks on, no leaving the group." He blatantly ignores my presence which only works to anger me more. "I'm coming," I say harshly and I swear I heard him laugh for the first time. "Yeah, no" he argues, placing the mask over his face and tucking the necklace into his shirt.

Theo looks at Mattheo with puppy eyes. "Pleaseeee" he coos, which makes me laugh loudly, I watch as Draco smiles as well at the childish display. "She doesn't have a mask." Mattheo answers, closing the request but I watch as Theo smirks, knowing he will have a way to rebuttal. "She could use Lorenzo's."

My heart drops and suddenly I no longer go. It must be noticeable because now, suddenly Mattheo is prepared for me to come. "What's it going to be, you wear his mask or you stay here." I think on it for a minute, trying to find any excuse to choose neither. "Can't I go without a mask?" All three shake their heads and I realise it's not just a rule, but a requirement.

"Mask or no?" Mattheo asks again, this time harshly as if he doesn't have time for me to think this over. "M- mask!" I say quickly, regretting the word as soon as I manage to stutter it out. Theodore walks off and returns a moment later with a mask much like the other ones and passes it to me.

I play with the string between my fingers, unable to lift it to my face. "Either you put it on, or you stay" Mattheo says again and a tear falls down my cheek as I remember seeing him laid in my bed laying their as Wolvric- no Lucas killed him. "I- I can't do it," I say, my voice choking up behind the tears threatening to fall. All my memories still feel brand new, like I had to re-experience everything again for the first time.

"Then you're staying." I shake my head, not wanting to stay in this house if I'm allowed to leave. Mattheo takes off his mask looking down at me. "Maybe I can just walk behind you all, I'll keep my hood up," I say pulling the hood of the hoodie up and Mattheo rolls his eyes.

"If you think I'm letting you out of my sight again, you're wrong. I lost you once, I won't lose you again Alora. Put on the damn mask."

I look up at Mattheo confused but he doesn't say anything else to me, instead, he moves to Draco. "Get her a robe." I force myself to place the mask on the face and I put on the robe Draco hands me, placing the hood over my head. My hair still falls down my chest but now, my face is covered. "Good, let's go."

Without warning Mattheo grabs my arm and we apparate back to the house where I first woke up, the house of my demise. Was this all to mess with me? Make me realise exactly what happened to me. We are in the tree line still hidden and it's only mid-afternoon so the sun is still shining brightly. "Stay with me" Mattheo says coldly looking down at me. I can only see his brown eyes through the mask but I see the desperation in them with his order and I comply.

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