Chapter 3

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31 days missing

The warm water runs down my skin, removing two weeks' worth of dirt and sweat. Bringing a little piece of myself back. As I lather the soap around my body I wonder why I was given this room, this freedom.

Maybe they want me to believe their trusting me so that I will trust them. Although I doubt it, it probably was just as Reg had said, he does not have the time to constantly take me to the bathroom and watch me.

One thing's for sure I'm not going to miss the bucket I had to use as a bathroom for 26 days, or at least I think it was 26 days, I'll be able to keep track a lot better now that I have a window.

I squirt some shampoo into my hands and rub it into my scalp and hair, trying to remove all the grease and oils. I repeat this two more times since it has been so long before rinsing it completely and adding conditioner.

When I'm done I hop out of the shower and wrap my body in a towel walking towards the sink. On the counter waiting is a toothbrush, toothpaste and a hair brush.

As much as I want to analyse every reason why they would now be giving me these freedoms I decide to let myself enjoy it instead. I can deal with their ulterior motives later, for right now, I want to be happy.

When I'm finally finished in the bathroom I walk to the wardrobe where Reg had said spare clothes would be waiting and find a pair of pyjamas. They are meant for winter with long sleeves and pants but I don't care as long as I don't feel like I am exposed at all times.

Almost immediately after I get changed there is a knock at the door, a knock. I take a step towards the bed unsure what to do before there is a familiar voice behind the door.

"Alora, are you decent?"

Lorenzo's voice sounds behind the door and I almost run to open it. I open the door widely inviting him inside and he accepts placing the food on the desk and turning around to me. I close the door and hug him.

"Thank you for this Lorenzo, thank you"

He holds me back tightly and it just confirms to me that he does care about me and that he did have something to do with this.

"I know it's not your freedom, but it's the best I can do for now"

He smiles gently and I just hold on to him tighter worried if I let go, I will lose him and I will be sent back to the old room.

"I get to see the sky Lorenzo, and the stars. You have given me hope that I will leave here alive"

"You will Alora, I will make sure of it. Mattheo should be here soon, and when he is here he will get you out"

Mattheo? Why does everything seem to be about a person I can not even remember? How is my life in the hands of someone I have never met?

"Who is he, Lorenzo? Will he hurt me more than these people have?"

"No Alora, he wont"

His voice goes cold and stern again like I have disrespected this Mattheo person, someone I don't even know.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you or disrespect anyone, I just don't remember anything."

He takes a step back leaving our embrace before looking away from me.

"I need you to just keep holding on, you will get out of here I'll make sure of it. Just keep holding on."

With a loud sigh, he walks out and leaves the room, leaving me alone yet again.

I walk to the desk where he left the food to find something other than oats. Today there is a sandwich with an apple again, however, this time there is also a granola bar and a juice box as well as a bottle of water.

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