Marriage (Eri and Ai)

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1 month later

After Beros beat the shit out and everything went quite but not for Izuku and his friends since Izuku and Ace disappeared from Ace's experiment and wormhole suck them into it make them worried because Stella and Nana couldn't sleep or rest since they worried on their husband also Momo, Nejire and Ochako too and their relationship with Eri seem better because they finally interact with Eri in good term.

Ochako: Neon-san.

Neon: Hm?

Momo: We want to say sorry to you.

Neon: Eh?

Beros: *eat candy* Hm why did you say sorry to her?


Beros: Nooooo I bought it from her.

Eri: Auntie Sakura he's lying!!!!

Sakura: BEROS!!!!


Sakura: Wait!!!!

Neon: Annoyed couple gone now let's continued.

Momo: Well It's me, I want to say sorry about you being lesbian because I thought men and women should be together and for having kid too it'll be perfect family.

Neon: Hmmmm......

Momo: But everytime when I saw you being with your wife I saw how lovely you are not even my family be like this.

Neon: Perfect family doesn't mean they have dad mom to be perfect but perfect family is for someone who love each other and take care their kids and last one you all have happiness it'll call perfect family.

Momo: Yes I understand fron few years ago so I want to apologize.

Neon: Apologize accept let's move on.

Momo: Really?

Historia: We get used to it now Momo-san but we didn't keep their word on our head we only focus on our live and care people who care us. And that's why I love her. And we've been together to long.

Stella: Yea yea and their taste also same thing too. When they mad each ither they'll end up being beast sex until one of them give up and end up with they tied.

As Momo, Ochako and Eri imgaine about it and they had red blushed on their head.

Ochako: When'll they came back?

Historia: Don't have any clue since There are countless multiverses known for their vast space. Beros and Neon are chasing them.

Stella: If we had lucky maybe we can find them before Eri went to proposed Ai.

Nana: Now I'll be great-grandma.

Sakura: Old lady.


Nejire: Where is Eri?

Stella: She went on date with Ai.

Ochako: And I want to ask you why Eri grow too fast within two years and now she's 16 years old.

Nana: Ask Izuku when he came back.

Eri and Ai

And right now Eri and Ai enjoy for their amusement park in japan since japan has been rehabilitated as it should have been and everyone has begun to live their daily lives.

Eri: Did you like my hair?

Eri: Did you like my hair?

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