Things To Decide Before Your Writing Hobby Begins

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Things To Decide Before Your Writing Hobby Begins Lesson Notice

For some people, writing is a difficult task. To others, writing is a hobby, a profession, or an art. It would be worthwhile, then, for you to express your feelings about writing before beginning Writing for 100 Days. After all, your attitude towards writing will, to a large degree, determine the quality of work you produce.

Take 20-30 minutes to write about writing. Afterwards, share your feelings with your classmates. You might want to consider the following questions:

1. What are your general feelings about writing?

2. Do you enjoy it?

3. Do you dislike it?

4. What's the most difficult part of writing?
5. Beginning an assignment?
6. Spelling & Grammar?
7. Having enough to say?
8. What's most enjoyable about writing?
9. How did you learn to write? Describe some of your early writing experiences.
10. Were they positive or negative?
11. What type of writing do you like the most?
12. Which do you like the least?
13. What's your most memorable writing experience?
14. Was it a story? or Was it a letter or a poem to a friend?
15. If you were a writing teacher, what approach would you use?
16. What would be the most effective way to teach writing?

Fantastic tip: Compare the writing you've done in the classroom to the writing you've done outside of school.

And with this chapter, this book is finally closed and completed, Skylights. I won't be doing another writing advice till sometime far out after my trip to Florida next week.

Dialogue About Writing Prompt
Now share your thoughts with your classmates. You'll find that many of you have the same anxieties about writing. These feelings are important. Remember, you have the freedom to adjust assignments, as long as you discuss changes with your teacher. After all, it's your education.

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