Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P8

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Please do not copy the diary entries. They belong to the author, I would not be sharing any of them if I did not purposefully comment and respond to almost every other sentence. And FYI STARTING Way After P10-11 of the annotation the book is not for the age group below high-school as there are really dark stuff coming up. Unless you use it as a model to write your own example of annotation or a challenging writing prompt to follow NEVER COPY IT EVER. I will never put this book in stores or on another website either. This is a solo Wattpad story only and only exists for the convenience of those who wish to catch onto several writing skills and practiced them, Skylights, when they have no resources to use and accessibly provide themselves off line. I don't want any money for it and I don't want popularity for it. It is just a simple gift to less fortunate than me and to me them being able to read this is satisfying enough. It is enough for me that readers will want to read it.

You, however,  may quote whatever annotations I have stated that you find make a very good lesson and point I will allow that. I quote people all the time. And I will be listing several quotes from the story in these chapters to come up later because they are really good to quote, my friends.

12: 35th diary entry annotated.
Monday night
Aunt Tee sent me down to the Quarters to take a ointment to Aggie. (14 words) Spicy went long. (3 words) Wook tries to be nice. (5 words, excellent that someone still knows how to be nice after all the hard labor in the harsh sunshine.) But for some reason, Missy done took a dislikin' to Spicy. (11 words, mean girls normally do hate new kids on the block a good most of the time, but even today it is quite stereotyped.) That Missy is really changin'. (5 words, true, she's become way too selfish now.)
I showed her Little Bit, and she laughed at me 'bout still playin' with dolls. (15 words, how rude; it is good to know how to play with dolls then you can teach your kids all about the wonders of imagination.) Later, Spicy told me not to worry 'bout what Missy say. (11 words, good you reassured our main character this is what real friends do they tell you truth exactly as it is.) "People teases you sometimes 'cause they know it'll make you mad." (11 words, people who tease you sometimes only seek to get under your skin to make you mad. He'll joke about something I find more serious and not funny. And it's annoying. Bottom line my Dad is bad at telling jokes. He never says in them in the right way.) I asked her why she let Hince's teasin' make her so mad then? (13 words, good question to ask back too.)
"I hate my name," she say. "Spicy! (6 words in one sentence followed by one word sentence in ""s.) Whoever heared of such a silly name?" (7 words in sentence, I can see where is coming from, can you, Skylights?) "My mama was all set to call me Rose. (9 words.) But our ol' mistress say no, and named me Spicy. (10 words, of all the rules that should never exist in slavery is Mothers not being allowed to choose the names they want for their children. That's such a stupid rule, and I bet you all agree with me too.) Mama had to do it — couldn't say nothin' 'bout it." (10 words) The more I learn 'bout Spicy the more I like her, but the more I hurt deep down for her, too. (21 words, that is usually the way it is you, you learn more about people and decide if you like them or not, but your sorrow and hurt and concern will also grow for the suffering ones you really truly care about from the deepest part of your hearts, Skylights.)

13: 36th diary entry annotated.
Day later
Hince hardly ever comes to the kitchen since he and Spicy had that bad fallin' out. (16 words, not surprised, still probably trying to get over be frightened. Some boys are real scaredy cats.)
So, I been goin' to the stables whenever I get a chance. (12 words, nice to make an effort to give comfort to your adoptive brother friend when he has done it first for you for years by coming to your part of the plantation to visit you. I'm glad you went to comfort him, Clotee.)
"Is Spicy mean to you?" (5 words, glad he asked, so we could easily clear somethings up. Many boys are afraid to ask and get the truth about a real deal girl like Spicy herself.) Hince asked me. (3 words) "Not at all." (3 words)
I told him Spicy is just totin' a lot of hurt from the way she been treated. (17 words, absolutely true and easy to understand.) He nodded a understandin'. (4 words sentence, and what a gracious boy, for now, Skylights)I really do like her a lot. (7 words, the bond has gone very deep.) I think she might be my friend. (7 words, she already is honestly. The only way to make a friend is to be a friend.) I wrote F-R-I-E-N-D-S. (3 words.)
This time I seen Hince, Wook, and now Spicy. (9 words, some pictures grow and shrink inside their frames in our minds. This is one place where you can find it come very quite alive.) Missy aine even now in the picture. (7 words, not surprised since Clotee never favored this person anyways, Skylights)

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