Plot Holes To Watch Out For: Continuity Issues Plot Hole

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The only time I see this inconsistency of writing both in original and Nick version is Musa's flawed characteristic be constantly tossed out the window.

I get it people, people like singers like Musa because they're bold and rebellious but did you know in several instances Musa acts like Taylor Swift does in one of her songs. Another Picture To Burn is one of my favorite classic Taylor Swift Revenge songs about one of the boyfriends she had but unlike Musa she gives us a truthful reason why her boyfriend was such a jerk as never letting her drive his pickup truck that would have built up trust in each other. Whereas Musa instead of blaming herself she piles all the blame on Riven which is what people of captives and slaves have done throughout real history. What we get from Musa is truth from the writers she doesn't want to acknowledge how flawed she is she wants to stay living in her perfect ideal world with Riven being so far perfectly unrealistic and in Season 4 her music career goes to her head as well as her fame.
I'm actually glad in World of Winx Matt thinks Musa's bad at songs because she needs more dissonance for a strong reality check from honest people, Skylights. She thinks she's so perfect and can do no wrong when she's already been doing wrong since the reaction to the decent hat compliment in the Wildlands Episode in Season 2.
What else could Riven possibly say about that hat then it looks warm and it looks cool on her!? The third option Riven doesn't say because he doesn't like the word "pretty" and he doesn't like being mushy in public which are totally fine characteristics for him to have. Musa's expectations are way too high for him.

Musa's problem is she refuses to agree with anyone, Season 1 this problem is hinted at when Tecna says she shouldn't be complaining about dating a guy who hasn't asked her out nor even complimented her

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Musa's problem is she refuses to agree with anyone, Season 1 this problem is hinted at when Tecna says she shouldn't be complaining about dating a guy who hasn't asked her out nor even complimented her. Musa never listens to Tecna until Season 6 about the music thing. Tecna is a true friend despite not always understanding the emotional value of conversation she does recognize challenging her teammates to talk through things with others is a necessity with others. Tecna is the one who convinced Bloom to come with her to Red Fountain to talk to Sky and it is she who becomes the catalyst for encouraging Bloom to talk to Sky in later Seasons after Season 2's over the phone very heated argument, it is Tecna that reminds Bloom who is she around Sky and Flora who she is around Helia when they are both present with them. It is Tecna who reminds them both of what they taught her. "That a heart to heart conversation always helps" but in majority of movie romances we just get miscommunication breakup tropes consistently over and over again because writers are too afraid of revealing the truth which is actually why I do appreciate what Nick wrote for Musa in Season 4 they seriously heightened her biggest flaw caused from her Passive Aggressive Attitude of character instead of perfecting it they actually reveal the truth of what is really behind the toxicity of the relationship, Skylights.
Musa talks back to Faragonda in Season 2 complains about how and why she can't go on the Mission to Rescue the Pixies. It's a very whiny attitude and it is also quite steamy even more steamy than Stella who you can also tell makes sure people know she's aware that she's mad. Musa is never aware of her anger in all of her clashes with Riven in Season 2 when he never did anything too wrong.
Without Nick's Heightening this flaw of Musa's towards Riven and her friends and even one of her elders I would never have realized that Musa is actually wrong and I think the major reason they didn't let Musa sing any of most of the other songs is because she was totally not in the right mind set. And I don't think they wanted people to see singers turn into wnat Musa actually is she is a totally manipulative young lady towards Riven constantly taking over every conversation and constantly throwing the blame at him although Musa is not narcissistic her behavior is so similar to theirs. Instead of actually having a heart to heart conversation alone together she is quick to blame the faults he has already proven to let go of by Season 4. And twice in Season 4 when he is being exactly what a boyfriend should be, zealous and constructively complimenting her all she can give him is snarky backhanded compliments. In Season 4  episode Riven 1 Riven gives us his first compliment to Musa. "You look beautiful Musa." Riven says.
Then she replies instantly without even thinking about what she says about him to his face. "So do you, BUT it would be better if you were actually here!"
Musa as a Music fairy should known so much better because Music is instantly tied to the power of emotion. Musa is as much of anti-villain as Darcy is without being aware that she actually is.
Her "Heart of Stone" song is a Revenge song one again slamming all the blame on Riven yet while not blaming herself for her own mistakes towards him.

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