Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P23

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Please do not copy the diary entries. They belong to the author, I would not be sharing any of them if I did not purposefully comment and respond to almost every other sentence. And FYI STARTING AT this chapter of my annotation of this book is where it is not for the age group below high-schoolers as there are really dark stuff coming up. Unless you use it as a model to write your own example of annotation or a challenging writing prompt to follow NEVER COPY IT EVER. I will never put this book in stores or on another website either. This is a solo Wattpad story only and only exists for the convenience of those who wish to catch onto several writing skills and practiced them, Skylights, when they have no resources to use and accessibly provide themselves off line. I don't want any money for it and I don't want popularity for it. It is just a simple gift to less fortunate than me and to me them being able to read this is satisfying enough. It is enough for me that readers will want to read it.

You, however, may quote whatever annotations I have stated that you find make a very good lesson and point I will allow that. I quote people all the time. And I will be listing several quotes from the story in these chapters to come up later because they are really good to quote, my friends.

List of Quotes appears at the bottom of this chapter, there are ten of them.

177: 195th diary entry annotated.
I put my plan to work at first light. (9 words, good idea.) We dressed Spicy as a boy slave. (7 words, also good idea.) I gave her a bundle. "It's our quilt," I told her. (11 words, true, and a needed gift to have when on the run, Skylights.) "You should keep it." She didn't have time to fuss with me about it. (14 words, very true.)
Hince looks so much like a white man, we dressed him in one of Mas' Henley old suits I sneaked out of the attic. (24 words, great idea.)
"I aine never had on a suit of clothes before," he said. (12 words, that's got feel really really weird, but with them not having the same clothes the correct scent can't be tracked by dogs.) We tucked Spicy's Bible under his arm. (7 words, the best place for it.)
"You look a for-real preaching man," said Aunt Tee, hugging them both and giving them a biscuit and water for a day. (22 words, good compliment and new supplies.) Time to go. "You know what to do, now?" (9 words, of course they do.) Just as we planned, we slipped down to the barn, Hince mounted Big Can. (14 words, yes take that horse out of here please, he has been mistreated once by the Campbelles he can't be trusted to go them which they'll demand him next.) Being very careful not to make a sound, I eased them through the woods, past the cemetery, toward the river. (20 words, awesome job.) I had already done my hugging and farewelling, so I just watched them ride downstream along the bank until they was out of sight. (24 words, that was really planning ahead, Skylights.) I slipped back on the other side of the orchards, into the cabin where Aunt Tee and I sat holding each other until dawn. (24 words, that was quite successful indeed.) By then I had stopped trembling. (6 words, you would when you were really some of your very best friends were finally far out of sight at last, dear Clotee.)

178: 196th diary entry annotated.
Hince and Spicy wasn't missed until the Campbelles come for Hince on Monday. (13 words, of course everybody pretend not to notice they were gone.) Mas' Henley crashed into Aunt Tee's cabin, wanting us to tell him where Hince and Spicy had gone. (18 words, that's the first time he has ever done that.)
Aunt Tee stayed calm. "We don't know a thing 'bout that. We all went to sleep together and when we woke up same as you, they was gone." (28 words, brilliant woman indeed.)
"I don't believe a word, you're saying. I don't trust any of you," he shouted and carried on. (18 words, you did put someone at watch at Can's stall none of this would have ever even had to occur honestly.) The Campbelles didn't seem too upset. (6 words, I honestly don't believe them they've lied so many times.) "We'll take Canterbury's Watch, then." (5 words, good thing he's gone too; he didn't deserve to belong to you either, Campbelles. This is your justice. Losing hope of running a good race for once.) But when they went to get the horse it, too, was gone. (12 words, joke's on you.) Then the Campbelles say that Mas' Henley was trying to cheat them. (12 words, whatever can be said about Master and his gambling while he may agree to some stupid deals he hardly cheats when it comes to fair racing bets. He's a pretty honest man in this specified regard.)  They say they was gon' take him to court. (9 words, you'll look for any excuse for a stupid lawsuit, petty thieves, cheats and fools all in one ugly flesh package.)
Mas' Henley went to talking fast. (6 words, means he speed up his speech and thought on his feet for once more.)
"I'll pay you for your losses," he said, adding, "and for whatever inconven — (whatever that big word was) I may have caused you." ((18 words, pay them off to shake them off immediately.)) "Cash," said Silas Campbelle. "No marker." (6 words, the very fact you requested that means you're lustful and greedy for untracable money gains, fools.)
Long 'bout that time, the slavers come for Spicy. (9 words) "The boy and gal have run away," Mas' Henley told them. (11 words, fair exchange that was not involving cheating at any time.) He had to pay the slavers back their money for Spicy. (11 words, justice was being dealt out before Clotee's eyes. Real justice, not fake justice that is only forbidden by a human government's original wordy laws.) I was beside myself with joy — joy in the morning. (10 words, not all that surprise honestly, Skylights.) Serves him good. William and Miz Lilly came out on the porch. (12 words, somewhat perhaps.) People from the Quarters were also gathering to see what was going on. (13 words, not very surprised. This would be a weird intriguing sight now indeed.) Miz Lilly swooned, but nobody bothered to catch her when she fainted. (12 words, cause why would they she was awful to them. And she always got up on her own after one of those faints.)
Mas' Henley and Waith set out to find Spicy and Hince but they are long gone. (16 words, you are so right.) I was as happy as Daniel and David all in one. (11 words, totally true.)

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