Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P12

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Please do not copy the diary entries. They belong to the author, I would not be sharing any of them if I did not purposefully comment and respond to almost every other sentence. And FYI really dark stuff coming has already started up. Unless you use it as a model to write your own example of annotation or a challenging writing prompt to follow NEVER COPY IT EVER. I will never put this book in stores or on another website either. This is a solo Wattpad story only and only exists for the convenience of those who wish to catch onto several writing skills and practiced them, Skylights, when they have no resources to use and accessibly provide themselves off line. I don't want any money for it and I don't want popularity for it. It is just a simple gift to less fortunate than me and to me them being able to read this is satisfying enough. It is enough for me that readers will want to read it.
You, however,  may quote whatever annotations I have stated that you find make a very good lesson and point I will allow that. I quote people all the time. And I will be listing several quotes from the story in these chapters to come up later because they are really good to quote, my friends.

This will not be an easy chapter for non Senior high school kids to get through, because the bottom two entries are extremely graphic and definitely not for the faint of heart. I would not warn children unless I cared about children and their sanity for dignity's sake. So please walk through this chapter with your child, if you do have any, sweet readers.

The Book will get more serious from here on out.

55: 77th diary entry annotated.
Early Thursday mornin'
We polished silver all day. (5 words)
Miz Lilly went over every tray, pitcher, bowl, and candlestick. (10 words)
She found one little spot on a silver tray that I had cleaned and she slapped me so hard I saw stars. (23 words) I don't get hit often, but when I do, I try to be like Spicy and not let her see me cry. (23 words)
"Spicy is bein' a bad inflewance on you," she said, and slapped Spicy, too. (14 words)
Miz Lilly is awful 'cause she know we cain't hit her back. (12 words)
If one of us whacked her back across her face, I bet she wouldn't be so quick to hit. (19 words, probably true, but you are already doing what you can do is the right way in another Biblical sense aka turn the other cheek and be quick to forget about it.)
I got to be careful not to put ideas like hittin' the Missus in my head. (16 words)
Aunt Tee say if you think 'bout hittin' back, you'll soon strike-out, hit back. (14 words, "If you think about hitting back, you will hit back too soon. Pyrix_Fairy someone needs to say that to Electra in early seasons when she is passive aggressive it is quote worth quoting and it is the truth.)
And to fight a missus or a mas'er means death for sure. (12 words)

56: 78th diary entry annotated.
Next evenin'
Durin' dinner, Spicy and I served hot bread and poured water for the Henleys. (14 words)
We came in on Mas' Henley and Miz Lilly fussin' 'bout William gettin' somethin' called a tooter. (17 words, it does sound the same as the train thing that is tooted.)
When Mas' Henley said no, Miz Lilly would not let it be. (12 words)
As the word-fight 'tween them heated up, Spicy took off the soup bowls, and I served the fried chicken. (19 words)
Miz Lilly won that battle. (5 words, how she won we'll never know that.)
Later, the three of us — Spicy, Aunt Tee, and me had our supper together. (14 words, a calm good supper always is when you have it in the company of your friends even the food becomes more satisfying in your stomach.)
Whenever Aunt Tee fries chicken for the Henleys, she fries the chicken neck, gizzard, liver, and the-last-part that goes over the fence, and makes a thick brown gravy for us. (30 words) Eat that with some biscuits and honey — good eatin'. (9 words, I believe you, especially since Aunt Tee is such a good home cook.) Spicy and me had Aunt Tee bent over laughin, pokin' fun at Miz Lilly's faked faintin' spells. (17 words) Spicy did a perfect Miz Lilly swoon. (7 words)
"Ohhhh, he'll be the first Monroe not to get into Overton School!" (12 words, it can be funny to intimate even the worst people especially when it comes to silly arguments)
I played the Mas'er. "My mind is made up — William will not have a tooter." (15 words with past sentences.)
Then I belched, and raised up a hip and pretended to pass gas. (13 words) (The master and mistress arguments are house slaves only entertainment they have all day long to witness, Skylights.)
"You girls is a mess," Aunt Tee say, hangin' up the dish towel and blowin' out the kitchen candles. (19 words)
I stretched out on my straw-filled pallet next to Spicy. (10 words)
"Anybody know what a tooter is?" (6 words)
I had been waitin' for the right moment to ask. (10 words)
Nobody knew. (2 words)
I'll add it to my list of words.
Wonder will it mean I cain't get no more learnin'?

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