Flora's and Helia's Couple Weakness

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Flora is also Christianlike in her romance relationship. Helia needs a lot of work though to be a better boyfriend. He's nearly there but the only thing I think most girls see him in his beautiful looks and that's why Flora likes him so much. And I agree with Aisha when she says back in Season 3: "'I never fall for guys, just because they're cute." it is not a reasonable reason except that maybe you might have handsome kids too but even that result is not entirely guaranteed. So Flora's like Helia for a real reason that is not clearly announced yet is why it doesn't make the top spot. We also don't know why Helia likes Flora so much except for the fact that she praised the way he was drawing his sketches in Season 2. So Flora is incredibly passionate about artistic designs reflecting the true essence of Nature, people. But still that's just a hobby. You fall for someone because of something more meaningful important to you than your boyfriend's looks, and hobbies. You fall for someone because their innermost values align with yours, it's great if you like how they look and enjoy participating in what they do. But those are worthy compromises after digging deep into what really matters to them and you.

While Helia is handsome, encouraging and very good at defending and protecting Flora. His brain advice is slightly a bit askew. In Season 4 when he gives Riven that poem about what to say to Musa he comes off as a bit of a hypocrite in that scene.
"No winning is when you can rise from a defeat and plan revenge with people who believe in you?"
A hyprocrite is someone who goes back immediately against his own previous words which Timmy actually informs us who Helia is in Season 2 when he's first shown on screen. "He maybe a dropout by he was Saladdin's best student." my guess is what that means is Helia's only reason to learn to fight was for pure self-defense only because Brandon says earlier that episode said, "Oh, him he's a total pacifist! Hates fighting." (This is why in Season 4 he is a bit of a hypocrite and it's not show taking him out of character as that character arc for Helia continues when he talks to Riven about how to handle Musa better and he accidentally drags Nabu in to giving bad advice to Riven as well, Skylights. Helia's spent a little too long with his buddies that his pacifist side seems to be fading until we get the Season 6 dilemma in Fearwood Forest in Canda. He seems to have re-found out who he was back in Season 2. There is a slight moment of this in Season 4 in episode 5 Mitzi's presents that Helia respects the Winx girls' wishes not to hurt their pets physically. Season 6 with the werewolf changed humans Helia is very determjned to not lay a single scratch on them as the girls asked of the boys and he does so easily. Up until that time the only other person good at wrangling wild forest creatures was Timmy in the Season 1 4 kids episode 2. In this way he is upholding his pacifist ideals.

But with the way his speeches and and advice to Riven come from a good hearted place the way he writes them are twisted and entirely wrong and can be seen as very hypocriful.

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Helia has an issue with Inconsistency hypocrisy because he says one thing and actual does the opposite as shown easily in Season 4 and Season 6

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Helia has an issue with Inconsistency hypocrisy because he says one thing and actual does the opposite as shown easily in Season 4 and Season 6.

Flora has a complete positive aspect of the relationship in Season 4 & Season 6 like Bloom does with Sky in Season 4 & 5. Flora never outwardly blames Helia for his faults. She never says it out loud. Like Bloom she roots for her boyfriend to figure out how to straighten things out from their hearts even when Icy spells him Flora keeps up this front of full confidence that Helia will make it through and past all this too. That is what makes Flora Christian like. You can say Flora's petty, but reasonable anger in Season 6 was out of character when it actually isn't it has been around since the Monster and the Willow episode back in Season 1. But the difference between Flora, Bloom and Stella and Musa is that Flora walks away and allows her anger to pass slowly and exit her. Flora goes straight into calming herself doing unlike the other three girls I mentioned it takes them a lot longer to cool down than it does for her.

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