early mornings & childhood bedrooms

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Nico groaned at the loud noise and rolled over onto his side, pulling the covers over him.

As he did so, he rolled over past the edge of the twin bed and onto the floor with a heavy thud. He groaned.

"Mornin'" Will peered at his husband through the maze of old Nerf guns and discarded Lego projects under the bed. He smiled.

"Oh, that's what that sound was." Nico rubbed his eyes with a yawn. "Good morning."

"Wanna get up and head downstairs? I heard my mom making some noise down there."

Nico shook his head. "I'm not awake yet."

"Yeah, me neither." Will paused, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. "Wanna get up and back into bed and cuddle for another 30 minutes?"

Nico nodded and grabbed the Star Wars sheets to pull back onto the bed.

They got the blankets situated again, then they wrapped their arms around each other, with Nico resting his head on Will's chest.

Will played with Nico's hair as he stared at the ceiling again.  He laughed.

"What?" Nico followed his eyes, then also laughed. "Why are you looking at Han Solo so intensely?"

"I forgot he was up there."

They both started at the Han Solo poster on the ceiling directly above Will's side of the bed.

"You're so gay." Nico rolled his eyes.

"He's not even close to the worst Star Wars crush I had. You should see the gigantic Anakin poster in my closet."

"Very fitting. But why him? Darth Vader is evil."

"Look at you knowing Star Wars." Will wiped an imaginary tear. "I'm so proud."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well, I liked Anakin because he was a hero and wanted good things to happen, he just did bad things too."  He paused. "Also, has a totally hot scar on his face."

"Sounds like you have a type. Dark-haired morally-gray men with facial scars."

Will laughed. "I guess I do. But you're not morally gray. You're good."

"I feel like Han is looking at me weird." Nico squinted.

"He's just jealous."

"Stop staring at Han."

Will turned to look at Nico instead and kissed his hair. "Fine."

Nico listened to Will's heartbeat as he laid on his chest.. Tha-thump. Tha-thump.

"Remember when we couldn't even hold hands?" Nico mumbled.

"Yeah. And now we're married and can do stuff like this and other stuff."

"Look at us, all grown up and mature."

"And we have the baby coming." Will's heartbeat sped up.

"Officially." Nico smiled and grabbed Will's hand. "Which is crazy."

"Very crazy."

"You know what else is crazy?"


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