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uhhh maybe slight angst? talks about Naomi's past (that I made up), Maria & Bianca, health issues? idk tw


"Ok. Ok, thank you. I'm on the first flight over. Take care now. Bye bye." Will hung up the phone.

Nico noticed his husband's shaky hands and pale face when he returned from the other room. "What's wrong?"

"My mom fainted. I'm written as her emergency contact, so her friend called me about it to see if I can come down and help her."

"Oh my gods, is she ok?"

"She has some heart issues. Arrhythmias. Luckily, hers isn't life-threatening like some others. Usually she's fine with medication but they switched her to this new one and her symptoms are weird." Will ran a hand through his hair. "I'm gonna fly down to see her."

"I'll come with you."

"You don't have to. You'd have to take time off work."

"You need someone taking care of you, too. You worry yourself sick and you need me there to make sure you don't do that."

"I'm not going to worry myself sick."

Nico raised an eyebrow.

Will sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Ok. Ok. Fine. I'll take you with me."

"It's cute how you think you had a choice." Nico opened his arms. "C'mere."

Will sighed and collapsed in his husband's arms.

Nico rubbed his back. "It's going to be alright."

"Mmhm." Will mumbled into Nico's shoulder.

"You're a doctor. Not only that, but you're a magic doctor. You can fix anything."

"My mom is stubborn."

"She'll listen to you."

"She's too independent. Insists she has to do everything for herself."

"I'm sure she'll understand and listen to you."


"Ma, sit down."

Naomi waved her hand dismissively. "I'm not an old lady. I'm forty-one and I'm fine."

"Ma, you're stressing out your heart."

"I'm fine."

"Ma, I'm a doctor."

"You have your PhD in education."

"Education and biology. Also, I went to medical school. Sit down."

"Who do you think paid for your tuition? I'm fine, William."

"Please just let me help you. You're going to make it worse."

"William Andrew. I told you to leave me be."

Will's cheeks flared. "Mama. Please just relax."

"Boy, I ain't gonna tell you again." Naomi stared her son down.

Will clenched his jaw. "Fine. I need to run to the corner store to grab some stuff. Nico, make sure my mother doesn't kill herself by the time I get back."

He grabbed his wallet and his keys, then walked out the door.

Just as Nico was about to open his mouth, Naomi shushed him.

"Nico, darlin'. You know I love you, but this is a fight you ain't winnin'."


"I don't want to hear it. It's my house. I gave birth to him. It ain't the other way around."

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