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Rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting bars of light across any surface it touched.

One of those surfaces just so happened to be the freckled expanse of Will Solace's broad shoulders.

Nico, ever the early riser, laid contently beside him.

His heart swelled with emotion, and his stomach felt like butterflies were doing somersaults—that's the saying Will taught him, right? Modern lingo is still confusing, even after all those years.

Gods, he was so in love. Gods, he was so lucky to finally be married to the love of his life. Gods, he was so proud of himself for making it far enough to live happily like this, regardless of what happened in the past.

He watched the steady rise and fall of Will's breathing. He knew that Will would tease him and call him a creep for watching him sleep, but Nico couldn't care. He was too mesmerised.

The sun reflected off of the golden band around Will's finger. Married.

Everything felt so surreal to him. How could Will lay there and snore when it's their official first morning as husbands?

Nico couldn't bring himself to wake him, though.

Will slept on his stomach, wrapping his arms around the pillow underneath his head. He was a well-established bed hog whose leg stuck out to the side at an odd angle, so Nico couldn't get close enough to count the freckles on his shoulder to pass the time.

Nico was an alleged blanket hog, though, so he could forgive him.

He could forgive him of anything, really, because he was so hopelessly in love. He was in love with Will's loud laughter. His infectious smile that made his whole face light up. The curve of his nose, and the way it was covered in little freckle stars.

His hands. His hair. His beautiful sky blue eyes.

Yes, even the soft nasally snores.

The shuffling of sheets beside him brought him out of his trance-like state.

Will rolled over and yawned, blinking one eye open.

"Mornin' sunshine." The sleep in his voice was obvious, and his sweet southern accent was extra heavy.

"Sleep well?" Nico couldn't stop his smile if he tried.

Will nodded and yawned again. "As if you weren't watchin' me sleep for the past fifteen minutes."

Called it. "How would you know that?"

"You always wake up before me and watch me sleep like a weirdo."

"Hey, it's your fault that I love you so much."

"Mmm. Ok. My fault." Will threw an arm around Nico's waist.

"You're just gonna grab me to cuddle and hold me against my will?"

"Your fault." A soft smile played on Will's lips. "Against your will. I'm your Will."

"You're funnier when you're asleep. That was terrible."

Will wrapped his other arm around Nico and pulled him closer. He rested his head in the crook of Nico's shoulder. "Whatever."

"Your breath is hot against my neck."

"I'm gonna bite you."

"You wouldn't."

Will opened his mouth and pressed his teeth against the flesh of Nico's jugular, nipping at the area jokingly.

Nico laughed and pushed Will's head away. "That feels weird! Stop that!"

Will leaned his forehead against Nico's hand that pushed him back. "I told you I was gonna bite you. I don't make threats that I wouldn't follow through with."

"Would you ever make a threat to kiss me with your morning breath?"

"No, because then I'd have to kiss your morning breath."

"You married me and my morning breath. You're stuck with it for the rest of your life."

"Married. Gods, that sounds insane. We're actually married." Will rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands.

"Kinda unbelievable, right?"

"What even happened last night? I can't remember anything after the cake."

"Lots of champagne."

"Mmm. Makes sense." Will blew a puff of air out of his nose and rested his head back on the pillow. "Probably why I feel so hungover, right?"

The sun casted a ray across Will's cheek as he looked at Nico. The way it kissed his perfectly tan skin and made his blonde hair look like it was on fire-

"You're so beautiful." Nico swooned.


"Magnificently so."

"What makes you say that?" Will asked with a smile. Gods, that smile...

"I just..." You just possess beauty. You're a thing of beauty, Will Solace. "...I dunno. The sunlight is making you look like you're glowing and it takes my breath away."

Will reached up to touch the warmth on his cheek. "Oh, I didn't even realise that."

"Mmhm. I'm the luckiest person alive."

"Wrong. I'm the one who gets to sleep beside you every night. I'm the luckiest ever."

"Wow, for someone who spent all that time at school I can't believe how wrong you are! I am the luckiest guy ever."

"Are we really trying to compete for who loves the other the most?" Will cocked an eyebrow.

"It's not much of a competition because it's clear that I am the winner." Nico snubbed his nose jokingly at Will.

Will rolled his eyes and pulled Nico closer to him, intertwining their legs. "I'm not gonna add the fact that you wept openly at my vows yesterday."

"They were pretty good..." Nico admitted.

"Husband?" Will prodded Nico's cheek with his nose.

"Yes, husband?" Nico turned his head to look at Will again.

"Permission to kiss your morning breath?"

"Permission granted."

They pressed their lips together softly, savoring the gentle moment. Will entangled his hands through Nico's hair, urging them even closer.

Nico smiled into the kiss. "I love you."

Will returned the smile and muttered the reply into his husband's lips. "I love you."


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