Not It!

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The baby monitor emitted the worst sound known to mankind: whining at 2:37 in the morning. A small, hiccupy whine before the dreaded wailing of a 4 month old.

Nico buried his face into his pillow. "Again?"

"We just put her down a half hour ago. How is she already awake?" Will groaned and pulled the sheets over his head.

"I hate teething." Nico muttered into the pillow. "So much."

"I feel so bad for her, though. Poor baby."

"Someone has to get her."

"I rocked her last time."

"Well, I have work earlier than you do."

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Will suggested.

"Fine." Nico sighed, still not moving his head.

Rock, paper, scissors... shoot!

"What did you do?" Will squinted in the complete darkness.

"What did you do?" Nico asked.


"Oh, I did rock. I win. You have to get up." Nico smiled to himself and turned over.

Will groaned and sat up. "I feel like you cheated."

"Oh, I definitely cheated. But you're already up so it's probably for the best that you just do it..."


"I love you!"

Will grumbled and trudged his way towards his screaming daughter's room. "I'm coming!"

Bianca squirmed in her crib, crying her little heart out.

"Come here, baby. My baby." Will leaned over the side of the crib and lifted his child out, holding her to his chest. "I'm here. It's ok. Daddy's here."

He rocked her in his arms, swaying back and forth and bouncing his knees. He made shushing noises to calm her down, but she just wouldn't stop.

"I know, babydoll. You poor thing." Will kissed her soft black hair. "I don't know how to make it stop hurtin'."

Her tiny hands pawed at his chest, trying to hold onto him.

"I know, lovey. What else can I do for you? You're all clean, so I can't change you. You ate an hour ago."

Bianca kept crying.

"Shhh. Shh. Shhh. It's ok."

Will suddenly had an idea. "I need to put you down for a second, but I reckon I know how to help you."

He laid Bianca back down into her crib, causing her to scream louder, and rushed to the bathroom. He quickly washed his hands, then picked her back up again.

He nestled her little body into the crook of one of his arms, leaving one of his hands free.

"You're teething, which means you need something to chew on. Luckily for you, I can heal you."

Bianca took her father's big hand into her tiny ones and put one of his fingers in her mouth to chew on.

"I'm glad I can rely on you always puttin' everything in your mouth."

He channeled the healing warmth to his hands, easing the pain of protruding baby teeth.

"See? What'd I tell ya? Your dad has your back."

Soon, Will felt a little lightheaded after expending so much energy on magic while running on barely any sleep, so he moved Bianca back to her place against his chest after replacing his finger with a pacifier.

He held her little body against his, knowing that she often fell asleep while listening to his heartbeat. She was so tiny, curled up in his arms like that.

"You know, the baby book said to just let you cry it out. They said that holdin' you like this would create codependency." Will scoffed to himself. "But you're a baby. You're supposed to rely on us. I want you to know that we're always there to help you."

Bianca cooed.

"Go to sleep, honey. I'm right here." Will whispered.

Bianca listened to the calming lullaby of her father's heart against her ears. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Tha-thump.

Every time he spoke, his voice vibrated deep in his chest, adding to Bianca's blend of perfect noises to fall asleep to.

She loved being held close and kept warm like this. It made her very...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Her soft breathing let Will know she finally fell asleep.

"That's my girl."

He held her in his arms for a few minutes more, finding an excuse to delay getting back in bed.

You have to make sure they're fully asleep. Yeah. He could say that.

Truth is, holding his tiny baby in his arms was more important to him than sleep.

Nico leaned against the doorframe and sighed. "Are you coming back to bed?"

The sudden appearance of his husband made Will flinch. "Gods. You startled me. Why aren't you asleep?"

Nico held the baby monitor in his hand and moved towards Will. "I heard you talking to her and wanted to eavesdrop."

"You're so nosy, Nico Di Angelo."

Nico leaned his head against Will's shoulder and hummed softly. "Solace. It's Di Solace now."


"You talk to her like she's an adult. You do know that she doesn't understand English yet, right?"

"She likes it when I talk to her."

"She loves you so much." Nico smiled and looked at his infant daughter sleeping peacefully. "I can't blame her. I love you so much too."

"I love you so much, darlin'." Will yawned.

Nico laughed. "You're so tired that your accent is coming back."

Will shook his head. "That ain't true."
He paused. "No, you're right. I hear it now."

"You're so cute."

"We should go to bed." Will drawled. "She should be fully sleepin' by now."

"Mm. You're probably right." Nico kissed Will's shoulder before leaving. "I'll see you in a second."

Will held Bianca gently and lowered her slowly into her crib, trying not to make a single sound.

She slept soundly, not flinching when the sheets rustled beneath her.

"Good night, sweet pea. I love you." Will whispered.

He turned away, but glanced back towards the crib before stepping foot out of the nursery.

"Oh, and I'm glad I chose scissors."

Word count: 975 🥰

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