Chapter 26: Barehanded Fight

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Kanao lay flat on her back on the ground, unconscious, as birds tweeted and flew high in the clear blue sky, the sound of the trees' leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

I've.. always had good hearing. One time, I heard a conversation while I was asleep. Everyone was creeped out. I don't hear any demons anymore. Nezuko, you defeated them, didn't you? I can hear you guys, and also these weird, loud footsteps.

"! Kanao!" Somebody shouted, their tone sounded panicked and scared. "Kanao!"

Shoici was crouched over Kanao, his eyes filled to the brim with tears. Kanao opened her eyes and glanced at Shoichi, who had began to sob.

"Thank goodness!" Shoichi exclaimed. "Are you alright?" Shoichi sat upright and Kanao did the same. "When the room spun around, we got thrown outside. We fell from the second story window."

Kanao's eyes widened and she placed a hand behind her head, her eyes looking like circles and spinning yellow flowers floating around her head. "Did we now?"

Shoichi nodded and continued. "You protected me, so I'm fine, but.." He trailed off.

"I'm glad to hear that," replied Kanao, lowering her hand slightly as her eyes returned to normal and the flowers disappeared. "So what's with all the tears then?" She took her hand away from fhe back of her head and noticed it was covered in blood. Her eyes widened. "NOW I GET IT!" She yelled. "I FELL RIGHT ONTO MY HEAD, DIDN'T I?"


"Am I gonna- am I gonna die?" Kanao asked before placing a hand on her forehead and leaning backwards on her other hand slightly as she let out a quiet groan, swirls surrounding her head. "My head is starting to spin."

Suddenly, the sound of loud cackling rang throughout their surroundings.

"What now? What now?" Kanao said with tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Chargin' through! Chargin' through!" Somebody yelled from inside the mansion. Suddenly, the 'creature' from earlier had headbutted the door and broke it down, sprinting out of the mansion.

Kanao hugged Shoichi tightly, letting out a loud, shrill scream. "THERE IT IS AGAIN!" She yelled. "THE MONSTER BOAR!

The 'monster boar' chortled loudly as it stopped running. "I can sense a demon!" It said.

"That's her!" Kanao exclaimed, no longer clinging onto Shoichi. "I can tell from her voice! She's the fifth survivor! During Final Selection, she was the first to rush up the mountain and made it back down before anyone else. It's Miss Impatient!"

The fifth survivor then noticed Tanjiro's box in the distance and laughed. "Found it!" She then began sprinting towards it.

"Stop!" Kanao shouted, sprinting towards the box and kneeling on one knee in front of it, her hands outstretched.

The fifth survivor stopped. "Who're you supposed to be?" She asked. "Outta my way!"

"I'm Tsuyuri Kanao! I'm with the Demon Slayers just like you!" Kanao answered, not budging from her spot.

"Demon Slayers? Then I shouldn't have to tell you! We've gotta get rid of that thing!" The girl shouted, prepping her swords. "Now, get the hell out of my way!"  

"I'm not moving! This is Nezuko's-" Kanao was interrupted by the fifth survivor.

"Oh, shut up already!" She shouted, leaning closer to the box and Kanao. "Fine, in that case, I'll smash you and the box." She raised her sword. "Now, outta my fuckin' way!"

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