Chapter 18: The Curse

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Yahaba's head came clean off his body, and Nezuko fell to the ground.

I did it! Nezuko thought, her teeth gritted and sweat dripping down her face.

"AGH!" yelled Yahaba as his head rolled around on the ground, his head and body beginning to crumble with his right eye popping out of its socket. "YOU NO GOOD.. DIRTY.. BASTARD! IF I'D ONLY BROUGHT BACK YOUR HEAD, HE'D HAVE RECOGNISED MY VALUE! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! NOT EVER! NEVER! PLUS, YOU GOT DIRT ON MY FACE! I'LL CRUSH YOU!"

Arrows then appeared in all directions poking in and out of Nezuko's body.

Oh no! His attack got me! We're gonna take each other out! Nezuko thought as she began to be pulled forward. I'm being pulled by his strongest attack yet! I gotta keep my guard up and think of a bunch of techniques, or he'll crush me!

Fourth Form Bombardment of Destruction

Nezuko used the fourth technique before she could crash into the stone wall but was then yanked upwards.

Urgh!! S-so much p-pressure.. c-can't swing my katana!! Gotta use.. a technique chain! Nezuko thought, gritting her teeth. I better get this right.. the first time!

Bombardment of Destruction!

Boulder of Destruction!

Destructive Thrust!


Destructive Slash!

Nezuko used technique after technique as pulled and yanked upwards and downwards, left and right by the arrows, crashing into trees and stone walls.

I've never done back-to-back techniques like this before! I feel like my arms are tearing off! How many more? How many times..? Don't think! Keep up with techniques!


Boulder of Destruction!

Bombardment of Destruction!

Drowning in Destruction!

Nezuko then plummeted to the ground, wheezing and huffing. Yushiro's Blood Demon Art, the small piece of paper with the eye drawn on it, had slid off her forehead, which was drenched in sweat.

Tanjiro.. Yushiro.. Tamayo.. Nezuko thought as she cracked towards her dropped sword. B-broke my ribs.. and leg..

Nezuko then reached to pick up her sword, her fingers twitching and trembling due to exhaustion.

T-too tired to s-swing my sword. N-no use. She then bit her sword, picking up her sword with her teeth like a dog picking up a long stick. Gotta go fast.. there are still demons.. Nezuko then resumed crawling to where Tanjiro, Yushiro and Tamayo were fighting Susamaru. I'll be there soon! So please.. just stay safe!


A temari came hurdling towards Susamaru, and she caught it with one of her six hands. The temari vibrated in her hand.  Tanjiro was stood before her, his right foot raised.

G-gonna show.. this brat! Susamaru thought, glaring at Tanjiro. He started kicking back.

Susamaru then dropped her temari, making it make a 'ting', and kicked it at Tanjiro, who kicked it back at her.

The two demons continued kicking the temaris at each other as if they were in the middle of an intense football match.

Susamaru then caught the temari Tanjiro had thrown at her. Okay..  no more kemari! She thought, throwing the temari harder than she had before.

Tanjiro kicked the temari, but it had a larger impact on his calf than any of the other temaris did, making several veins pop out on his leg and face. Despite this, however, he managed to kick it hard enough to fly past Susamaru and crash into the wall behind her, shocking both Susamaru and Tamayo.

"Yushiro-Sama.. this.." Said Tamayo, her eyes wide.

"The drug I used was just a recovery agent for demons. It does not have the effect of strengthening the body," replied Yushiro. "This is Tanjiro's strength. He's growing stronger on his own without eating any human flesh."

But his opponent is even stronger. Yushiro thought to himself. If she attacks at full strength, Tanjiro will surely fall. I must do something. Yushiro then whispered something to Tamayo, who nodded.

"You sure are interesting, little boy! This time I'll throw the mari with my full strength!" Susamaru exclaimed, grinning from ear-to-ear.

Before she could, however, Yushiro spoke.

"Girl of the Twelve Kizuki, do you know the truth about Ubuyashiki?" He asked, catching Susamaru off guard as her eyes widened and her body jolted.

"What would you know about it?! You're just a run-away!" Susamaru shouted.

"That man is always terrified of something. He is nothing more than a coward," said Yushiro.

Susamaru trembled. "Be quiet, you- you- just shut your mouth!"

"Do you know the reason that demons are forbidden to group up?" Yushiro asked. "Because we would attack and eat each other. Except that's not true. He tells you that to manipulate you. He's afraid of demons teaming up and attacking him. He's afraid of you!"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP, SHUT UP! HE ISN'T THAT WEAK!" Yelled Susamaru furiously. "His abilities are fearsome! He's stronger than anyone!"

Yushiro glanced at Tamayo. She's using her ability. Good.

"UBUYASHIKI IS-" Susamaru paused. She covered her mouth, sweat dripping all down her body.

The ability Tamayo used is 'Magical Aroma of Daylight', which is like a truth serum; it subdued brain functions, so stating falsehoods or keeping secrets becomes impossible.

"You said his name, thus triggering the curse. I pity you, but I had no choice," said Yushiro.

Susamaru screamed raising her hands into the air as she yelled, tears pouring down her face. "Please, forgive me! Please, forgive me! Please, forgive me! Forgive-" she begged before she started screaming and grunting again.

Nezuko stared in horror, still biting into her sword, as three thick green arms with sharp nails came out of Susamaru's body, one out of her mouth and two out of her abdomen.

Word Count: 948

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