Chapter 10: Kidnapper's Bog

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"Nichirin Swords change colour depending on their bearer, and each colour has distinct characteristics. However, very few people have black swords, so many details are unknown. It is so unknown that it is said that unsuccessful swordsmen have black blades."

Nezuko entered the village, carrying Tanjiro inside his new box, and wearing her new Demon Slayer Corps uniform (the same as Tanjiro's but magenta tinted and with a skirt) and a haori that had the same pattern and colour as her kimono, which was a pale pink and had a hemp leaf pattern.

Demon Slayer Corps uniforms are made from a special fabric. Nezuko remembered Keizo telling her as she finished putting on her uniform. It breathes easily and resists both water and flame. Even the claws and fangs of lesser demons can not render this Corps uniform.

Also.. take this. Keizo had said as he placed a wooden box in front of Nezuko, who was sitting down in front of Keizo wearing her haori as well as her full Corps uniform. It's a box for carrying your brother during the day. I made it from an incredibly light wood called Kirikumo Cedar. I coated it with rock lacquer to harden the exterior. It is also stronger than a normal box. This is a mere speculation, but instead of eating the flesh of humans, Tanjiro may sleep to replenish his strength.

Nezuko noticed a young man with dark brown hair and brown eyes with bruises on his face wearing a dull blue iromuji kimono with a dark-coloured obi and light brown haori staggering past her, looking weak and tired. She could also hear two women talking in hushed voices.

"Look. Kazumi is so pitifully haggard." One of them said. Was Kazumi the man's name? "Because he was with Satoko when she disappeared."

"Night after night. It's so creepy." The other said.

"Yes, it's awful! When night comes.. another young girl will disappear."

"Kazumi!" Nezuko shouted towards the man. "I would like to speak with you. If I may?"


"This is where Satoko first disappeared." Said Kazumi. They were in another part of the village now, beside a large house with wooden fencing. "You may not believe me, but.." He trailed off.

"I believe you!" Said Nezuko confidently. "I absolutely believe you! Truly!" Nezuko then bowed down and smelt the ground. The faint odour of a demon remains.. but it's uneven.. and unusual..

Who is this kid? What is she doing? Wondered Kazumi as he stared at Nezuko sniffing the ground, remembering the night prior.

"Don't joke with me!" shouted Satoko's father as he beat Kazumi. "You say she disappeared? Why you -"

"Please stop!" Satoko's mother begged, attempting to pull away Satoko's father to no avail.


Tokie laid down in her futon, a worried expression on her face as she lay there.

I wonder what happened to those girls. I hope they're alright. She thought as she shut her eyes.

A pitch-black swamp pool began to emerge under her futon, and two clawed hands came out from either end. One of the hands covered Tokie's mouth, and her eyes snapped open.

She began to be pulled into the swamp, the pool disappearing as she raised her hand, hoping someone could pull her out, but nobody did..


Nezuko broke into a run, sprinting along the pathway and away from Kazumi

"What happened?!" Asked Kazumi, his eyes widening.

"The smell is getting stronger!" Shouted Nezuko. "It's a demon!" She then jumped on top of a nearby building and ran across the roof.

She.. that jump! The stories are true.. about demons.. and the Demon Slayer Corps!

Nezuko continued running across the roof until she jumped down. Here!! It's here!! Two different scents! A demon.. and a human woman! Nezuko thought as she looked around. I don't see them.. but.. the scent is strongest.. here!!

She stabbed the ground in front of her, and a swamp pool appeared, and an unconscious young girl with long straight black hair with little thin strands over her forehead wearing a lime green kimono with a blue obi. Something seemed to be grasping onto her clothing.

Nezuko snatched the young girl and jumped back. The small part of her clothing the creature was holding was ripped off. A demon with three horns on its forehead as well as a ninja garment sewn with meshes on both sides of the arms, shoulders, and thorax. Under its coat, it wore a sleevless bottleneck shirt.

A demon with supernatural abilities! Nezuko realised, remembering what Keizo had told her.

"Demons that use special powers known as the Blood Demon Art have supernatural abilities. Sometimes, you may have to fight a demon like that."

"Where are the girls you kidnapped?!" Shouted Nezuko, "Also, tell me about.."

The Swamp Demon started to grind its teeth together, making almost unbearable screeching sounds. It then sunk down back into its swamp, and both the demon and the swamp pool disappeared.

Nezuko turned her head to look at Kazumi, who was stood not too far behind her, and shouted, "Kazumi! Take her and stay by me! If you stay inside my reach, I can protect you!"

Kazumi nodded, taking the unconscious girl out of Nezuko's hands and into his own while Nezuko looked around for the Swamp Demon, thinking.

It can probably come out of the ground or walls. It might even appear out of thin air! But while this demon is submerged underground, its scent does not fade!!

Nezuko shut her eyes and smelt the aid around her before snapping back open her eyes.

It's coming!! Destruction Breathing: Fifth Form...

As Nezuko was about to strike, two more demons appeared, all looking identical to the first, except one had two horns on its forehead, and the other only had one. Each of them reached towards Nezuko, claws outstretched.

Three of them?! Gotta stay calm.. I can do this!! Nezuko thought as she prepared to use one of her breathing techniques.

Eighth Form: Downfall!

Word Count: 1,000

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