Chapter 9: Welcome Back

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Nezuko walked along the path back to Keizo's house. The bag, which contained her uniform, was slung over her shoulder, and she was using a long branch to walk. Sweat was dripping all over her face. She was exhausted, weak. All she wanted was to return home to Keizo and Tanjiro and rest.

I was too optimistic. During Final Selection, I encountered eight demons, but I wasn't able to talk with any of them. They all rushed in to kill me.. I never got to ask how.. to return demons to human form.

I'm sorry, Tanjiro. I'm sorry. I want to go home as soon as possible, but my whole body hurts, so I can't. Even my uniform feels heavy. Ever since I started coming down Mount Fujikasane, I've been overwhelmed with a horrible exhaustion.

By the time she arrived, the sun was already beginning to set. Suddenly, the door was headbutted open, and Tanjiro walked out.

"AAAGH! Tanjiro! You.. you're awake!" Nezuko shouted, getting Tanjiro's attention, and he began to run over towards her. "Tanjiro..." Nezuko ran towards him, only to fall to the ground.

Tanjiro continued running until he was right in front of her, and he wrapped his arms around her head, bringing her close to him with a blank expression.

Nezuko hugged back, tears forming in her eyes, and she began to sob. "Oh, Tanjiro! Why did you fall asleep like that? And why didn't you wake up for so long?! I thought you might die!

Keizo soon joined the hug, tears also filling in his eyes as he smiled, saying, "You came back to us alive!"

Fifteen Days Later

"Oh! Is that Keizo?" Nezuko peered outside of Keizo's home to hear the sound of wind chimes jingling. Walking towards the house was a man with a large woven hat with hanging floral wind chimes wearing a sunflower-patterned haori.

"Uh, nice wind-chimes. " Nezuko said as the man stood in front of her, his face not visible due to his hat.

"I am Haganezuka. I am he who forged Nezuko Kamado's katana." Haganezuka said.

"I.. I am Nezuko Kamado!" She said. "Please, come inside."

Haganezuka sat on the ground, laying down a box wrapped in Furoshiki wrap. "This is a Nichirin Sword." He said as he unwrapped it.

"Um.. please, come in." Nezuko repeated, watching as he took the lid off the box. Inside was a wrapped up sword.

"I forged this blade." Haganezuka said.

"I'll make tea."

"The iron sand and ore that are the materials for a Nichirin Sword are gathered at the mountain closest to the sun. Scarlet iron sand and scarlet ore both absorb sunlight." Haganezuka continued.

"Your Furoshiki wrap is getting dirty."

"The sun shines all year on Mount Yoko. It is never cloudy, and rain never falls." Haganezuka said.

As usual, he doesn't listen to what anyone says. Keizo, who was sat cross-legged by the blanket Tanjiro was hiding in, thought to himself.

"Come on. Just for a second!" Nezuko insisted. "Won't you get up off the ground?"

Haganezuka looked up at Nezuko, and she could see he was wearing a Hyottoko Mask.

"Hmm? Hmm?" Haganezuka stared at Nezuko. "Oh, you're a child of brightness! What luck!" Haganezuka exclaimed.

"No, I'm the daughter of Tanjuro and Kie!" Nezuko corrected.

"That isn't what I meant." Haganezuka said, prodding Nezuko's face. "Your eyes are a dark pinkish. Houses who work with fire have such children. Be happy for your good fortune."

"Oh, really?" Asked Nezuko, grabbing onto Haganezuka's wrist to stop him from poking at her face. "I had no idea."

"That means your sword may turn red." stated Haganezuka before peering into the house and looking at Keizo. "Right, Keizo?"

"Yes." Answered Keizo.

Haganezuka then went inside and sat beside Keizo. Three cups of tea, which Nezuko brewed, and a teapot in front of them. Nezuko was sat opposite Keizo and Haganezuka.

"Go on, draw your sword." Said Haganezuka, staring at the sheathed sword.

"Alright." Replied Nezuko. He finally came inside. She thought. Nezuko then pulled the sheath off the sword, gripping onto it securely.

"Nichirin swords are also called Colour-Changing Katana." Haganezuka said. "Their colour changes depending on who is holding them."

Nezuko pointed her sword to the ceiling, and she watched in awe as the colour began to change from silver to jet-black. "Ohh!"



"Huh? Is black bad? Is it unlucky?" Asked Nezuko, beginning to worry.

"No, it's not but.. that jet black is rarely seen." Keizo replied as Haganezuka seethe with rage beside him.

"I thought I was gonna see a bright red blade! Damn!" Yelled Haganezuka angrily.

Haganezuka started attacking Nezuko, pinching at her cheeks and climbing all over her.

"OW! Careful! Please, calm down! How old are you?!"

"I'm 37!"

Suddenly, Nezuko's crow flew in, kawing and yelling loudly. "KAW! Nezuko Kamado! You must head for a town to the north! As a demon hunter! This is your first job!"

Oh! It's talking. Job?! Nezuko thought, laying on the ground with Haganezuka on top while Tanjiro remained hidden under the blanket with only his head poking out.

"Young girls are disappearing! Night after night! Girls! Girls! Disappearing!"

Word Count: 870

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