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It was the day after Minho had been admitted to the hospital. It was the worst night of sleep he had had even after his mother died. He wanted to toss and turn but he couldn't. He had a tube stuck down his throat at all times and he was told to stay in bed.

"But Ana I want to get up!" Minho complained to the psyche nurse.

"No Minho. If you stand up you could collapse and I'm not dealing with that today." She replied, annoyed at the sixth time he had asked the question.

"Ana I can't just stay here forever. I need to walk! My back is in so much pain!"

"Then let's sit you up, huh?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Ugh. Fine I'll stay here." He admitted defeat.

"You literally just have to wait until tomorrow to get out of bed." She said.

"I don't care. I just want to go home." He said quietly, as if he was going to cry.

Ana sighed. She would call Jisung, but he's currently in school at the moment and that's probably illegal. So she drove there.

She drove to the college and walked into the front office.

"Hey! I'm Ana. I'm here to pick up Han Jisung." She said with a smile to Mrs Kim.

"Reason?" She asked, suspicious.

"His... friend is in hospital and is a pain in my behind. So if you don't mind, would I be able to pick him up so Minho can stop bothering me about wanting to walk?" She said, chuckling at the end. She's known Mrs Kim for a while, but that doesn't mean she likes her. Hence Mrs Kim's suspicion.

"Minhos in hospital?!" Mrs Kim stood up.

"Oh.. are you close?"

Mrs Kim had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong? What happened?!"

"I'm sorry ma'am but I've already said more than what I'm allowed to say." Ana replied calmly.

"O...kay. I'll get him myself though." Mrs Kim said, tears streaming down her face. She was so worried for the boy she considered a son.

After a little while, Jisung was up at the office with Mrs Kim and Amy.

"I'll tell you later Mrs Kim, but if you really want to know, try and ask Channie Hyung. He may tell you if he wants to." Jisung said as he was waving goodbye to her.

After that, Ana and Jisung left the school and drove back to the hospital.

"He has seriously been a pain in my ass." She laughs.


"He wants to get up and walk around, but if he did, he wouldn't be able to hold himself up because of how physically weak he is at the moment. He should be good in the morning, but yeah. He's just... nagging." She explains, earning a laugh from Jisung.

"He's a bit like that. He never admits defeat, and when he does, he shuts everyone off."

"YEAH. LIKE THAT." Ana complained.

Soon enough, they arrived at the hospital and they walked to Minhos room.

"Knock knock!" Jisung said as he walked in, putting his school bag down.

"Jisung! Aw. I wish I could hug you. But SOMEONE ISNT LETTING ME STAND." Minho complains.

Jisung giggles, but then another nurse comes in to clean and change his tube, and also take off his IV drip.

"You haven't gotten it changed since you got here, have you Minho?" Asked the nurse, prepping everything. Minho shook his head no.

"Use your words, min." Jisung whispered to him.

"Um.. no. Not yet."

"Well well! Lucky you. You get to experience your first tube change. It's a bit uncomfortable and you may gag if you have a gag reflex, but it shouldn't do more than that." She reassured him.

Minho hated gagging. Even when he was helping Jisung throw up after his panic attack that one time. But he had to put up with it.

"So..." she said, making his bed help him sit up with the remote. "Let's start shall we? You may have to do this on your own if we send you home with it, so you have to get used to these feelings." She said, taking the tape off of his face that was keeping the tube on. Jisung held Minhos hand.

"Alright.. I'm going to pull it out through your nose, obviously, but- oh! You have piercings. Just breathe in and out like you would with that, but with this tube. It's going to be quick and easy!" She said, earning a nod from Minho.

"Okay.. breathe in- and breathe out!" She said as she pulled out the tube successfully, Minho gagging in the process. "You did so well!" She praised.

Minho smiled then looked at Jisung, who was concentrated on what the nurse was doing.

"Okay. This new one. Putting it in is a bit... more uncomfortable than taking it out. You have to swallow it. Okay? So, I'll put the end in your nose and it should go to the back of your throat. Your gag reflex is the back of your tongue so this shouldn't make you gag, but it is very uncomfortable." She said, trying to make it less scary for him while also being truthful.

"It's okay, Min. You'll be alright." Jisung reassured him, also giving his hand a squeeze.

"So, just like before, breathe in and out before I put the tube in, and breathe in and out when you go to swallow it." She smiled at him, earning a smile back. "Okay, are you ready?" She asked.

"Um.. yeah.." Minho said, not actually ready but he had to get it done and over with.

"Alriiiight.... So, breathe in and out, yep. Okay. You'll feel a bit of a pain in your nose when I do this. Breathe in..." she started inserting the tube, which Minhos eyes watered at as it was making him need to sneeze. "Breathe out, then breathe in and swallow the tube as I lower it in. Swallow two times just so it gets down there enough and I can push a little more in. Yep! Just like that! You're the first patient to do that without needing a break!" She praised him.

Jisung looked at him like he was the whole world. He did so well and Jisung was so proud. As a little reward, he gave Minho a peck on the lips.

"Do you want to choose the tape we use for the tube to keep it on your face?" She asked, showing the different tapes she had.

"Ooh min! Can I choose?" Jisung asked excitedly.

"Sure." He replied, giving him a sweet smile.

"This one!" Jisung said, pointing at the hello kitty one. Minho smiled. Of course he chose hello kitty.

They applied the take and the nurse left, but before she did, Jisung asked to get some instructions on how to insert the feeding tube so he can help Minho, and she did give the instructions.

"He's a keeper, Mr Lee." She said, winking at him as she left, leaving a blush on Minhos face.

Jisung and Minho spent the whole day together. But just before Jisung was about to leave, Mrs Kim came into his room with a sorrowful look on her face.

"My baby. I'm sorry I didn't notice your struggles." She said, tears in her eyes as she gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Don't be sorry. I usually prefer to struggle in silence. Less of a bother." He said, earning him an angry look from Jisung.

"No honey. You are most certainly not a bother. You know you can confide in me darling." She said, desperately.

Minho just shrugged. "I kinda just overreacted to something Marcus said." He said giving her a smile.

"Overreacted? No honey. This is what your body does when your brain takes control after a MONTHS of suffering and YEARS of being clean. It's okay to relapse... but instead of relapsing, try to come to me, Chan or even Jisung. He's a very sweet boy, let me tell you." She chuckled dryly.

After a long visit from both of them, he finally tried to go to sleep after they left. He couldn't lay his head on his arms, or even lay on his side, so that was fun. So he just tried his best to fall sleep, and he actually did. He slept from 10:56pm to 12:35pm the next day. The longest and best sleep he had had in what felt like forever.

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