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⚠️coarse language and violence.

"Pretty" Minho said to himself as he looked outside to see the snow.

He checked his phone and he had no messages, which kind of disappointed him. It was 4 in the morning and he got less than two hours of sleep.

Even though he was exhausted and couldn't get back to sleep, he still tried his best to look good for today. For who? We don't know. He doesn't even know.

"My hairs getting long." He said to himself, picking at the ends of his hair. Then he had the best idea. "What if I was blonde?" He had a free period first, so he had some time to get it don't. The hair salon opens at 5.

He thought for a while, that he should text Jisung, but he didn't. He got dressed into his winter outfit and beanie, and he then got in his car and drove to the hair salon which was across town.

"Hey um.. I'm sorry... are you doing walk-ins at the moment?" He asked the old receptionist.

"Actually, one of our clients just cancelled! You're free to wait in the waiting area." She said, shooting him a smile.

He nodded and walked to the waiting area. No longer than around 10 minutes, his stylist came out. She was young and very attractive. About his age.

She waved him over and he obliged, following her. He sat down in the designated seat, and she started to make conversation. But not about his hair.

"How are you? You're very handsome by the way." She said, giving him a sly smirk.

"Oh um. I'm fine. And thank you. You're um.. pretty." He said hesitantly. Usually he loves to have a flirt, but something was stopping him.

After a bit of a chat about his hair, they got started.

Small time skip

About 3 hours later, his hair was done. It was a honey blonde, and the stylist didn't cut it, but left it to grow out.

They made their way to the reception to pay for everything, but she only let him pay half, even though he insisted to pay for it all.

"I can't make someone like... you... pay full price" she winked.

He smiled at her and bowed slightly as a thank you.

"Oh no need to be so formal" she said, slipping him a note with her instagram on it. "Text me, okay cutie?"

He instantly opened his phone and went to her instagram. He snickered to himself a bit. Her photos were severely edited.

"Oh, you look so great in this photo" he said, showing her the photo. "You almost can't even see your acne!" He said, pissing himself laughing on the inside.

"You fucking bitch" she said. "what the actual fuck"

"The entire time you were doing my hair, you were feeling me up and touching my shoulders and arms. I had to shove your hand away and you couldn't take a hint. I don't like you. You aren't my type. You're not even that pretty." He said, laughing in between sentences.

"I'll be contacting your manager about your inappropriate behaviour" He wasn't actually.

She started crying as he left the building before bowing to the receptionist who was laughing to herself.

His entire way to school he pissed himself laughing.

Once he had arrived at school, he parked his car and walked in, his bag hanging off his left shoulder, and his phone in his right hand. People were staring at him. He knew they were starting. He felt it. He hated it.

No Hard Feelings :: MINSUNGWhere stories live. Discover now