Chapter 20

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Wednesday slept the deepest and most peaceful sleep she could ever remember experiencing.

Satiated from the activities the night before and so utterly comfortable, safe, and warm in Enid's arms, she was utterly boneless in her content.

Her shoulder gave off a dull ache, but she didn't mind the pain.

It served as a delightful reminder that it was real.

That Enid had given her what she craved.

Her mate bite.

She'd marked her as her own.


A small smile even ghosted at the edge of her lips as she shifted back against Enid, seeking more of her warmth, feeling the blonde hug her slightly tighter.

Her only slight regret was that Enid had marked her before she could properly express her utter adoration and devotion to her.

It was only then that Wednesday registered the faint vibrations against her back, a soft hum at a low frequency, sending delightful chills through her body as it reverberated through her ribcage.

Enid was purring for her.

And she was loving every precious vibration reserved just for her.

Intentional or not, Enid had chosen her.

And Wednesday couldn't help but preen at the fact she was deemed worthy of such a title.


Enid's mate.

As the pleasant purrs slowly settled her back into blissful unconsciousness, a faint clicking of metal could be heard across the room, until the door swung open, and a pair of feet padded inside.

Pugsley, having picked the lock to Wednesday's room, only to see Enid's bare back, scars on full display, and her arm wrapped around what he assumed was his sister, her dark hair the only thing he could make out under the werewolf's body.

"Woah! Cool scars!" He beamed, stepping closer to get a better look, making Wednesday tense, feeling exposed and caught clearly naked in bed with Enid.

Sensing her mate's distress, Enid was immediately awake, protectively laying her torso over Wednesday, keeping her safe and decent as she looked over at Pugsley and let out an unhinged, feral snarl.

Her hands popped and cracked as what were once human hands turned into much larger, fur covered, clawed talons, much like how they looked in her werewolf form. Her physical size increased as well, muscles expanding and body broadening, clearly indicating strength and power as fur sprouted up her arms and over her chest, keeping her decent, a thin strip spreading down her spine, hackles raised as she continued to snarl.

 Her physical size increased as well, muscles expanding and body broadening, clearly indicating strength and power as fur sprouted up her arms and over her chest, keeping her decent, a thin strip spreading down her spine, hackles raised as she con...

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Her lips curled, gums aching as her fangs extended, baring them in an unbridled threat display to the Addams boy.

"GET." She seethed, pressing her body firmer over Wednesday's, pushing her down deeper into the mattress as a pair of blonde ears sprouted from the top of her head and flattened against her scalp. "OUT!"

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